Ezer Kenegdo – A Help Meet

As many of you know, the title of my book is The Good Wife’s Guide: Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet. A few readers have kindly approached me to point out that the subtitle might have a typo. “Shouldn’t the word be help mate?” They ask. And...
Enduring Hope for Discouraged Wives

Enduring Hope for Discouraged Wives

Like most other women I recognize love when my husband pays attention to me. I love it when Michael walks through the door and straight into my arms. He does that every single day of the week. I also like it when he kisses me on the cheek and tucks me in before...

Friday Monday Five!

A certain blogger goofed up last week and forgot to bring you the “Friday Five!” How did I manage to forget that one?! It was probably due to the fact that I was busy with the kids and celebrating my birthday over the weekend. (Us “old” people...