There’s hardly a day that I’m not asked about my Quieting Your Heart Bible-Study Journal. In fact I’m asked about it several times a day. Because of the whimsical text boxes, it’s perfect for people like me who like pretty things. It gives me just enough space to organize my thoughts during my daily devotions. I LOVE it!

The thing is, up until now my Bible/Prayer journals have only been 30 days long. A few readers have asked me if I’d make a longer version, and so I did. It’s a six-month (192 page) Bible study journal. Before you decide to click through and buy one, take note that it’s not a prayer journal. I will be creating a separate journal for prayer. This one is exclusively for Bible study.

I have an image of the inside here for you, but Amazon doesn’t have the peek inside feature up yet. I’m still waiting on that. So without further ado… here’s a peek at my  brand new Quieting Your Heart: 6-Month Bible-Study Journal. I hope you like it!

[otw_shortcode_button href=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0995056706/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0995056706&linkCode=as2&tag=timewarpwifem-20&linkId=6UNOE3YLGAG7YH2C” size=”medium” bgcolor=”e8a400″ icon_position=”left” shape=”round” border_color=”100058″ text_color=”100058″]BUY AT AMAZON[/otw_shortcode_button]

6-Month Bible-Study Journal

[otw_shortcode_button href=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0995056706/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0995056706&linkCode=as2&tag=timewarpwifem-20&linkId=6UNOE3YLGAG7YH2C” size=”medium” bgcolor=”e8a400″ icon_position=”left” shape=”round” border_color=”100058″ text_color=”100058″]BUY AT AMAZON[/otw_shortcode_button]

6-Month Bible-Study Journal