Just the smell of this delicious dessert will have you drooling! Summer is almost here and I can’t think of a better dessert to make with fresh berries. Using pre-made pie crust makes this a very quick and easy recipe, but still tastes every bit as homemade. Serve this warm with vanilla bean ice cream. Mmmm….
*Being that berries are “in season” this recipe is also a frugal choice!
Sugar, flour, butter, vanilla
Whisk together into a paste
Rinse berries in a colander
Stir together gently with a large spoon.
On a clean and floured surface, roll out one pre-made pie crust.
Slice in equal stripes with a pizza cutter.
Lay out dough strips over berry mixture in a lattice fashion. Dust with sugar.
Bake and serve pipping hot out of the oven with vanilla bean ice cream. A delicious treat that will warm the hearts of your friends and family! May you have sweet fellowship over this devine dessert.
Triple Berry Cobbler (Serves approximately 10)
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup flour
1/2 cup melted butter
2 tsp vanilla
1 container each (1 pint) of blueberries, raspberries and blackberries
1 pre-made pie crust (Pilsbury “Roll-its” work well)
Sugar for dusting
Vanilla bean ice cream for al a mode!
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Mix together sugar, flour, butter and vanilla in an oval casserole dish (you will also bake in this dish). Mix, wash and drain berries and add to flour mixture. Gently stir together with spoon. Place pie crust on a floured surface and slice into equal 1″ strips. Lay strips over berry mixture in a lattice fashion. Dust top with sugar. Bake for 35 mins or until lightly browned and bubbling. Serve hot with vanilla bean ice cream.
Janelle is a Christian, a Wife, a Stay at Home Mom of 3 young children and a proud- to- claim- it “Foodie”. You can find her displaying step-by-step photos of her recipes, giving devotionals,and sharing meal ministry stories on her blog. You can follow Janelle’s blog at ComfyInTheKitchen.com Follower her on facebook at Comfy In The Kitchen Follow her on Twitter at ComfynKitchen