I sat down today with the full intention of writing a post on marriage. But as I wrote, the words took on a direction of their own. I can’t help feeling that God wanted me to write this. Why? I have no idea. And for who? I don’t know. But nevertheless I wrote as I felt led. Maybe it’s for me, maybe it’s for you, or maybe it’s for someone you know. In any case, I pray that it moves us all to a deeper level of worship… 

It’s not every day that we wake up the kids at 2 am to go for a drive, but the other night we knew we had to.

There was a meteor shower that night, and we certainly didn’t want them to sleep through it. Not with the star-gazers I have! So we put the roof down on the jeep, grabbed a couple of blankets to cover up with, and went for a drive in the country.

Knowing how beautiful the sky can be when it’s completely dark, we were determined to get as far away from the city lights as we could, without driving all night. Finally after passing what smelled like a pig barn, a skunk, and a mustard field, we turned onto an old gravel road, parked the car beside a corn field and set our eyes on the sky.

It was breathtaking.

But then again, when isn’t the sky a breathtaking sight? From the brilliant color of a clear blue sky to the magnificent sight on a dark stormy night, it’s truly amazing to witness the glory of God.

With the roof down, we were able to stand up on our seats or sit on the roll bars to get the best view. I think I saw about 20 shooting stars that night. Most of them were small, but two of them appeared to leave a brilliant trail behind them lasting only a second or two. If you looked away for a second you missed it, which is why we encouraged the kids to keep watch.

Maddy was afraid of the corn field that loomed beside us. You don’t realize how tall corn is until you’re standing next to a mature crop, do you? As least us city folks don’t. It must have been about ten feet tall–absolutely beautiful.

On the drive home I got to thinking about the words of the Psalm:

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. – Psalm 19:1-2, NIV (emphasis added).

And then I got to thinking about a conversation I had a while back with someone who asked me what glory was. I think it’s one of those Christian buzz words like “virtue” “worship” and “holy” that we often use, but perhaps we don’t consider the weight of them as deeply as we should.

We are called to glory. And the reason we’re called to bear fruit as a Christian is so that our lives would bring glory to God.

According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue. – 2 Peter 1:3

My favorite way to describe glory is radiant beauty. When we glorify God His radiant beauty shines through us much like the stars on a clear summer’s night. 

We can also give glory to God by worshiping Him, but then again the best way that we can worship Him is by loving Him and loving others to Him. When we live and love the way that Christ did, we reflect the beauty of God’s mercy and grace. We are His light in this world, and just like the stars–the darker the world is, the brighter He shines.

I can kneel in prayer all day saying, “Lord, I love you, I love you, I love you…” but if I don’t love Him enough to be His hands and His heart in this world, my words are in vain.

Declaring His glory to the lonely and lost is the most breathtaking way we can worship the Lord!

Jesus said, “I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.”

You are loved by an almighty God,

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