- Telling him about my day. The ups and the downs.
- Hearing all about his happenings too.
- Holding hands. Any chance we get.
- Saying hello with a kiss.
- Not mentioning the bad breath.
- Curling up against his warm back at midnight.
- Sitting next to him in church.
- And nudging each other when the sermon particularly applies.
- Warming up his side of the bed.
- Or grateful when he’s already warmed up my side.
- Sharing a cup of coffee. In the early morning hours.
- Calling in the middle of the day. Just ’cause I miss him.
- Taking turns getting up at night. With a fussy baby.
- Waking me gently. With his soft touch.
- Laughing at his jokes. Even if I’ve heard them all before.
- Smiling. Because he’s come home early.
- Heading upstairs together to put the kids to bed.
- Thankful when he’s the one who’s willing to tuck them in.
- Texting a sweet little message.
- Or maybe a slightly suggestive one.
- Cleaning up the kitchen dishes together.
- Standing by him. When he needs a friend.
- Staying up ’til midnight wrapping Christmas presents.
- Slow dancing. To an old love song from the 80’s.
- Bringing him an aspirin. Because he refuses to take ibuprofen.
- Praying for his protection.
- Winking at me. From across the room.
- Folding his t-shirts. Just the way he likes them.
- Helping me zip up the back of my dress. A little too slowly, if you ask me. *wink
- Enjoying intimacy. Even when we’re both rather tired.
- Admiring his good looks.
- And hearing his “Hello, Beautiful” too.
- Allowing him to take the baby. So I can get some much needed sleep.
- Kissing him on the lips. And staying there a little longer than necessary.
- Graciously overlooking that mistake he made.
- Falling asleep in his arms.
- Waking up by his side.
- Praying over me. While going into labor with each child.
- Hearing him announce, “It’s a boy!” and rejoicing together.
- And, “It’s a girl!” and rejoicing again.
- Staying up late watching a romantic comedy. My pick.
- Attempting to stay awake for his action flick.
- Packing his lunch. Enclosing a little love note too.
- Blowing him a kiss as he pulls out the driveway.
- Listening to his goals and aspirations.
- Sharing my hopes and dreams with him too.
- Asking God to bless him mightily.
- Laying my head on his shoulder. Because I can. And want to.
- Cheering him up. When he’s had a hard day.
- Fetching a bowl for me. When I lose my breakfast….for the 5th time that morning.
- Wiping out the whiskers from his sink.
- Offering his coat to me at the restaurant. Because I forgot mine.
- Taking a hot shower. Together.
- Thanking God for this man in my life.
- Rescuing me in the Target parking lot. Since the car battery died. Again.
- Leaning into him. While we’re kissing.
- Telling me I’m gorgeous. When I’m wearing sweat pants.
- Spreading toothpaste on his toothbrush. Or he for mine.
- Sneaking a bowl of mint chip ice-cream. After the kids go to bed.
- Offering a prayer for me. When I’m anxious in the middle of the night.
- Trimming the back of my hair. That place where I can’t quite reach.
- Scratching his back. Although it’s not my favorite thing to do.
- Warming up my feet. With his own warm skin.
- Listening to the rain coming down. Simply because it makes such a beautiful sound.
- Wrestling with the Thanksgiving turkey. When it’s too big for the oven.
- Kissing the top of my head. Even when I’ve been snippy. No, especially when I’ve been snippy.
- Throwing pillows at me. Just for the fun of it.
- But getting him back later. Because that’s fun too.
- Hiking to the very top. Then looking down at the big, wide world together.
- Scouring the oven for me. Because I’ve let it go far, far too long.
- Searching for matching socks for him. In the dark. Before he leaves for work.
- Staying up all night at St. Charles hospital. Wondering if his father will pull through.
- Making plans for his mom to move in with us. When she no longer remembers who we are.
- Soaking in a deep bubble bath. The two of us. Or sometimes just for me.
- Taking the little boys for a hike. So I could have a quiet morning at last.
- Asking God to give him the strength. When he’s hard-pressed with a deadline.
- Getting away for a few days. A romantic escape.
- Stroking my hair. When I’m troubled beyond words.
- Listening to him sing old Billy Joel songs. Don’t Go Changing.
- Slipping away to a nearby cafe. An Americano for him and a lavender latte for me.
- Letting him hold me. When I can’t help but cry it out.
- Sharing a Scripture verse with me. When I really needed to hear it.
- Running out into a hailstorm. Trying to save the tomatoes from certain disaster.
- Holding the screaming child in my arms. While he speeds all the way to the Emergency Room.
- Feeling the immense relief. When we find out he’s going to be okay.
- Taking me for a scenic drive. When I‘m desperate to get out of the house.
- Saying goodbye to our eldest son. Knowing that this is what we raised him for.
- Handing me a tissue. As I weep on the flight back home.
- Attending the family reunion together. Wondering who’s the crazy one.
- Reading aloud to each other. When it’s just too good to keep to yourself.
- Sitting on the porch swing. Saying nothing at all.
- Playing cards with his folks. Because it means something to them.
- Saying I’m sorry. Because I really, really am.
- Laying awake on the hard dirt ground. Questioning how he talked me into camping in the first place.
- Waking up by a still, blue lake, green woods and a small campfire. Admitting it was all worth it.
- Forgiving each other. For the hundredth time.
- Then letting it go. Another hundred times.
- Hitting the snooze button. And pretending for a few minutes that we’ve nothing better to do than snuggle in bed.
- Telling the world how thankful I am to be married to him.
- Blushing. As he tells everyone what a blessed man he is to be married to me.
- Celebrating each anniversary. Truly grateful for every year we have together.
- Saying I Love You. Every day. Because I do.
Small things that simply say I Love You.
In His grace,
Lisa Jacobson
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