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Growing up there was one thing we all knew for sure: lying to our parents wouldn’t end well. If we did something wrong, we were disciplined, but if we lied about the situation, the consequences would be twice as severe as simply coming clean. I never found out what that penalty would have been because I was too afraid to lie. Honesty was just one of the values my family held dear. At the heart of it all was integrity. Were we simply honest, or were we trustworthy? Were we willing to do the right thing when no one was watching?

The Bible says, “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” (Proverbs 11:3, NIV). Our commitment to truthfulness and moral behavior directs the decisions and actions we take. Like a compass, it leads us safely through life. Duplicity, on the other hand, leads to destruction, as we saw in our study this week.

Jacob’s lack of integrity led to division and heartache within his family. His act of deception not only caused immediate conflict but also resulted in long-term estrangement between the two brothers. He had to flee from his home to escape Esau’s wrath, while the trust within the family was shattered. Can you imagine the weight of the burden he carried? The anxiety of running away, the guilt of betrayal, and the fear of potential retribution? These are just some of the traces his sin left behind.

There’s an encouraging notation in one of my journals, although I’m not sure who wrote it. It says, “You can never lose anything by placing it in the hands of God. If He takes it, He will give you something better. If He gives it back, it will be blessed.” If only Jacob held to this belief at the start of his journey, he would have placed his concern in the hands of God and saved himself a lot of heartache.

God doesn’t stress the importance of integrity just to add another thing to our list of to-dos. He gives us this light to guide us safely through life. He knows that integrity is good for the soul. It strengthens relationships and fosters mutual respect. It provides a clear conscience, which brings peace and reduces stress. It gives us a sense of stability and confidence, knowing that our actions align with our values. Additionally, integrity earns us a good reputation, making us reliable and honorable in the eyes of others. Ultimately, God knows that living a life of integrity leads to a more fulfilling, harmonious life.

Are you ready to walk in integrity? Here are five practical steps you can take:

1. Commit to Honesty: Make a conscious decision to speak the truth, even when it’s difficult. This builds trust and demonstrates reliability.

2. Admit Mistakes: When you make a mistake, own up to it. Apologize if necessary and take steps to make things right. This shows accountability and humility.

3. Stay True to Your Word: Keep your promises and follow through on commitments. This shows others that you are dependable and faithful.

4. Reflect on Your Actions: Regularly examine your actions and decisions. Ask yourself if they align with your values and the teachings of the Bible.

5. Seek God’s Help: Pray for strength and guidance to maintain integrity in all areas of your life. Trust that God will honor your efforts to live a life of integrity.

This Week’s Printable

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You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife


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