Mothers Day is for moms, right?
But it is also a perfect time to bless your husband and better your marriage as you do. Here are 5 easy ways:
1. Take a walk down memory lane.
Go out for coffee or another favorite beverage. (While I’d go for a coconut-mocha latte, my man would choose raspberry lemondade) Take along some pics from when you first became parents. Reminisce together about your children’s’ births. About when they were tiny. But also talk about what life was like BEFORE you heard the pitter-patter of little feet at your place. What do you miss most about life B.C.? {before children} But, what would you never give up about being a parent? Sip your drinks and enjoy the conversation and the memories.
2. Play to his strengths.
Jot your hubby a note telling him the characteristics you most admire about him as a father. Is he patient teaching the kids to ride a bike or drive a car? Is he better than you are when there are bumps, bruises, or even blood? Does he quietly clean up the kitchen without being asked? Point out his strengths in the home in a handwritten letter. For fun, seal it with a kiss from your lips with bright red lipstick. Place it on his pillow along with his favorite sweet treat or piece of fruit.
3. Discuss his needs. And yours.
Ask him what are his top three needs as a husband. (You already know “horizontal fellowship” will be one of them so maybe you only need to ask his top two. :-)) Then, tell him your top three as well. Don’t make a contest out of it or expect each other to always meet those needs. Just make your best effort to keep them in mind as you go about your day.
4. Love on your mother-in-law.
Make sure to remember his mom this week for Mother’s Day. Write her a handwritten note letting her know what a great son she raised. If she is no longer alive, tell your husband what you most appreciated about her. (Come on. You can think of something. No mother-in-law jokes allowed!)
5. Program your phones together.
Vow that at least once or twice a month you will take time to get away and discuss your marriage and what you most need at the current time. Whip out your cell phones or calendars and make the next date right now. Don’t let anything get in the way of time alone with your hubby.
So often it is easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of being a mom and we forget that without our husbands, we wouldn’t be mothers! So this week, remember the mothers in your life, but also take time to bless your husband too. You’ll find it will lift your own spirits as well. Enjoy!
Karen Ehman
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