We wives can be such chatterboxes. And so often we try to use our words to show our husbands love and respect. Or to tell them just how crazy we still are about them.
Sadly, we also at times use our words to wound; a weapon to throw when we feel hurt or ignored or agitated. {Trust me, I know this!}
So let’s turn the tide. No words of anger or frustration. No, “You never!” and “Why can’t you?”
In fact, no words at all.
Here are five ways to show your man you love and respect him; that you are head-over-flip-flops in love with him {I’m not a big high heels wearer}
Try it. He’ll like it!
1. Do a good deed.
Has he been meaning to get down to the hardware store to buy a new ladder but just hasn’t had the time? Go do it for him. Leave it in the garage with a sticky note attached that says, “Thought I’d run an errand for you today. You go take a well-deserved nap.”
Is he in need of some new golf shirts? Go pick out two or three in his very best colors and leave them folded neatly on your bed. Place a note on top of them that tells him to go enjoy playing a round of golf in one of his new shirts.
Does your family vehicle need new license tags? You take care of doing it even though it is normally something he does.
Give A gift certificate to him to his favorite sporting goods or other such store. Put it on his steering wheel with a note attached telling him to swing by the store after he gets off work and treat himself to something he wouldn’t normally splurge on.
2. Do a dirty job.
Take out the trash. Wash and wax the car he drives. Sweep out the garage or rearrange the basement storage. Weed the flower bed. Mow the lawn or weed the garden. Tackle a job he normally does (but does NOT particularly enjoy} just to lighten his load.
3. Tell a tale.
Send him a text or e-mail or even a handwritten letter recalling a time he made you feel loved or secure or accepted. Be specific. Describe what he did and how it made you feel and then end your tale by telling him why he reminds you of Jesus. Is he patient? Accepting? Encouraging? Consistent? Loyal? Brave? A hard worker? A quiet tower of strength for your family? Tell him.
4. Give him loving’ from the oven {Or from his favorite eatery}
Make dinner one night with all of his favorite foods. What main dish does he love? Make it, even if it is complicated. Is there a particular salad or side dish he craves? Whip it up even if no one else cares for it. Don’t forget his best-loved dessert. If you want to go the extra mile contact his mother to get a recipe that he has a child. Or, if time is short and you can’t cook all of his favorites, instead give him a gift card to a restaurant he prefers even if it is nowhere you like to eat. Then, take the family out for dinner and watch him smile as he orders his meal.
5. Initiate a little ‘horizontal fellowship’.
One day {when he least expects it and there are no kiddos around} grab him from behind and guide him to the bedroom for a little ‘horizontal fellowship’. Don’t speak a word. Just make it a moment he will remember. This is sure to put a smile on his face!
Karen Ehman