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Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, wondering where to turn or how to find strength for the journey ahead? I imagine Isaac must have felt this way after all the opposition he faced, but as we see in our study of Genesis 26 this week, he found strength and assurance at a place called Beersheba. 

This isn’t the first time we’re introduced to Beersheba in scripture, nor is it the last. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree there and called on the name of the Lord, marking a time of peace and worship (Genesis 21:33). In Genesis chapter 46, Jacob offered sacrifices at Beersheba before heading to Egypt, seeking God’s guidance for a significant transition in his life. It was also the place where Hagar, in her desperation, found God’s provision of water, saving her and her son Ishmael (Genesis 21:14-19).

As we look at these stories, we begin to see Beersheba as a symbol of God’s faithfulness, provision, and the turning points in our spiritual journey. It’s a place where God’s promises are affirmed, and His guidance is clear. 

This past week, we touched on the topic of discipline. What we didn’t discuss was the importance of leaning on God as the source of our strength. In moments of weakness, trials, and times of transition, we have an opportunity, like Isaac, to metaphorically go to Beersheba: to draw from God’s unwavering provision and strength. To trust in His guidance and lean on His promises, knowing our future is safe in His hands. 

Isaac’s response to God’s faithfulness was to build an altar, a symbol of his commitment and gratitude to God. This act of faith reminds us that even in the face of challenges, we can find solace and strength by turning to Him. By setting aside time for prayer, worship, and reflection, we create our own “altars,” reaffirming our commitment to God and our reliance on Him.

Whether you’re facing a major transition, dealing with conflict, struggling with loss, or simply feeling the weight of this world, go to Beersheba, draw from His strength, and rest in His presence.



4 Steps for Setting Up Your Own Altar

  1. Set Aside a Dedicated Space:
    • Find a quiet and peaceful spot in your home where you can focus without distractions. This could be a corner of a room, a cozy chair, or even a spot in your garden. The key is to have a place where you can consistently meet with God.
  2. Include Meaningful Items:
        Place items that remind you of God’s presence and faithfulness. This could include a Bible, a journal, a cross, or even a small plant or candle. These items serve as physical reminders of your spiritual focus and commitment.
  3. Create a Routine:
    • Establish a regular time for prayer, worship, and reflection. Whether it’s early in the morning, during lunch, or before bed, having a routine helps you consistently dedicate time to your spiritual growth and communion with God.
  4. Incorporate Scripture and Worship:
    • Use this space to read and meditate on Scripture, listen to worship music, and pray. You might also write down prayers, reflections, or verses that speak to you in a journal. This practice can help you stay grounded in God’s Word and nurture your spiritual life.

What this might look like:

Imagine you have a small table in the corner of your living room. You place a Bible, a journal, a small plant, and a candle on it. Every morning, you sit there with your cup of coffee, light the candle, and spend 15 minutes reading a passage of Scripture, journaling your thoughts and prayers, and listening to a worship song. This simple routine becomes your “altar,” a place where you consistently draw near to God and find strength for your day.

This Week’s Printable

Here is this week’s printable. Click the image to view and print a higher resolution.

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You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife