The observant Jews consider Yom Kippur, the holiest of days. Also known as The Day of Atonement (Yom meaning “Day” and Kippur meaning “Atonement”), this 10th day of the 7th month was the one day of each year when the high priest entered into the holy of holies to make atonement for both his sins, and for the nation of Israel. It was also on this day that he atoned for the tabernacle as it was considered defiled throughout the year by the sins of the people who came to the temple daily to make sacrifice for their sins upon the altar.

This chapter is an interesting one as we study the details of this holy day, and the seven days leading up to it. We also take a look at the scapegoat and the significance of this ceremony. Finally, we dig into Revelation chapter 19, where we see the heavens open and the Lord returning on a white horse with the armies of heaven riding beside Him. How exciting is that!?

If you haven’t started already, dig into chapter six. Come back here on Wednesday for your sixth video lesson as I sit down for a chat with Pastor Dan.

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Suggested Reading for This Week: 

Chapter 6 of:
The Beauty of Jesus Revealed in the Feasts.

Hebrews Chapter 10

Revelation Chapter 19

NOTE: The book and the study guide are available for purchase at Amazon.

You can find both the book and the study guide on Amazon:

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