Hi Ladies,
I just wanted to quickly pop in to say hello, and update you on my life and ministry. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. We definitely did. We had all of our kids at home as well as the 2 grandchildren, to celebrate the birth of our Savior. It was everything I hoped the day would be and more.
The next day, Michael took some of the family out to the ballet. It was Julia’s first time and she was so excited. Just after the curtain went up, she leaned over to Michael and whispered, “It’s a balleriiiinaaaaa!!”
The busy week ended with us moving our son Graham into our oldest son’s apartment. And now, it’s time to get back to work.
You might have noticed that just before Christmas the last two installments of the Bible study didn’t go out in the email. The reason is that we’ve been dealing with some serious website issues. For some reason the website is blocking the email provider and no one seems to be able to figure out why.
I’m still unsure if it’s been fixed, and so I am sending an email out tonight in hopes that it is delivered to you. There’s been a lot of prayers going up about this issue and so I’m hoping that either it’s fixed, or God will lead me in a new direction. Either way I trust He’s in control.
With that said, the website issues have kept me extremely busy. I was literally on the phone for six hours one day going back and forth between the mail provider and the website hosting company.
The next day I consulted with my sons who are both computer programmers. It was suggested that I simplify things by switching from WordPress to Squarespace. I was ready to try anything and so I decided to give Squarespace a try. Turns out it was an entirely new learning curve that took me about two days to figure out. Once I got the basics down, I tried downloading the current blog, and uploading to the new site. This process took several hours, and at the end of the day it failed and failed again. I suppose it’s not able to handle 13 years of blog posts. Argh. Back to square one.
Seems like every day there’s a new issue that’s postponing our next Bible study. Every spare minute I’ve had these past few weeks has been eaten up by website troubleshooting and training, which has put me farther behind than I hoped I would be at this point.
If this letter doesn’t go through this evening, I have two more ideas that I think might work. Isn’t it cool how prayer works? How God whispers in His way and His time?
I woke up this morning with an idea, which I’ll be trying if this letter doesn’t go through. I’m determined to continue spreading the gospel regardless of how many obstacles face us along the way.
In closing, I humbly ask that you keep this ministry in prayer. Give us the wisdom to solve the current problems we have and a growing determination to continue spreading the gospel.
Have a wonderful New Year.
You are loved by an Almighty God,
Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife