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Quieting Your Heart – Week 1

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Love is meant to be shared

I’d like to open our Bible study by talking about love.

Not just any love—agape love. It’s the gentle whisper of God’s heart, a selfless gift that envelopes us regardless of our flaws and failings. It’s the unwavering light that shines in the darkness of our imperfections, offering us a path to reconciliation.

This unique kind of love stands out for its selflessness and sacrifice. It’s freely given for the good of others without expecting anything in return. This love not only flows from God–it’s reflected in the lives of those who serve Him. It reaches out to everyone, fostering forgiveness and reconciliation. It’s manifested through our actions—demonstrating kindness, generosity, and moral integrity.

C.S. Lewis once wrote, “Agape love is all giving, not getting. It loves the unlovable, the undeserving and the ungrateful. It loves when it’s not loved back.”

The Bible tells us that Christ loved us while we were yet sinners, not because of who we are or what we’ve done, but in spite of it.

This love compelled Him to set aside the glory of heaven for the humility of a manger. In the stillness of a Bethlehem stable, the Savior was born, His first cradle a bed of hay. Here, in the unlikeliest of places, the infinite love of God was tenderly wrapped in the vulnerability of a newborn.

As we step into the season of Christmas, let’s embrace that love, by tuning our hearts to the profound words of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, timeless truths that are woven through Scripture, reflecting the selfless, unfailing love of God.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

As you read through the scriptures this week, notice how each story mirrors a unique facet of love. From the steadfast patience of Mary and Joseph to the welcoming embrace of the prodigal son’s father, we discover what it means to live out God’s love.

Love is Patient and Kind (Mary and Joseph’s Story):
In the story of Mary and Joseph, the virtues of patience and kindness are vividly portrayed through their gentle acceptance of God’s extraordinary plan for their lives. Mary’s grace in receiving the angel’s news and her unwavering affirmation, “May your word to me be fulfilled,” reflects a serene patience rooted in faith. Joseph’s compassionate decision to protect and stand by Mary, choosing honor over reputation, showcases a deep kindness that transcends societal expectations. Their shared journey to Bethlehem, though fraught with challenges, exemplifies the quiet strength of patience and the tender power of kindness—qualities that echo the divine love God bestows upon us, love that endures through trials and extends grace abundantly.

Love Does Not Envy or Boast (Martha and Mary’s Story)
Martha and Mary’s story reminds us that love transcends envy and boasting. While Martha busied herself with the act of hosting, Mary chose to sit at Jesus’ feet, illustrating a love that is content in simply being present. Martha’s initial frustration with Mary, which could be seen as stemming from a place of envy or a desire for acknowledgment, is gently corrected by Jesus. It’s a good reminder that love is not about overshadowing others or seeking recognition through our actions. It’s found in quiet service and the joy of being in the company of those we cherish. In the midst of our preparations and celebrations, this story teaches us to prioritize moments of stillness with God and cherish the time spent with loved ones.

Love is Not Proud (Jonathan and David’s Story):
Jonathan’s relationship with David is a beautiful illustration of humility, a virtue central to love. Despite being the heir to the throne, Jonathan recognized God’s anointing on David, and he supported him with a selflessness that mirrored the love of Christ. In laying down his right to the throne and armor, he reflected Christ’s own humility in laying down His heavenly crown for our sake. Jonathan’s love was free from pride, focusing instead on what was best for his friend, a clear reflection of the self-sacrificial love that Jesus would ultimately show to all humanity. This story invites us to embrace a love that elevates others above our own ambitions, reminding us that the truest form of love is found in the act of putting others first, just as Christ did for us.

Love Does Not Dishonor Others (Ruth’s Story):
Ruth’s unwavering commitment to Naomi exemplifies a love that honors and respects. By choosing to stay with her mother-in-law, Ruth displayed a love that values and upholds the dignity of others, even in the face of personal loss. Her story encourages us to practice a love that always seeks to honor those around us.

Love is Not Self-Seeking (Jacob and Rachel’s Story):
Jacob’s enduring love for Rachel, marked by years of labor, illustrates a love that is not self-seeking. His willingness to endure hardship for the sake of love reflects a selfless devotion that puts the beloved’s happiness above personal comfort. This narrative challenges us to cultivate a love that joyfully gives without counting the cost.

Love is Not Easily Angered, Keeps No Record of Wrongs
(Hosea and Gomer’s Story):
Hosea’s love for Gomer, despite her unfaithfulness, mirrors the love described in 1 Corinthians 13. His decision to redeem her from a life of sin highlights a love that is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs. In much the same way that God blots out our sin, this example of love doesn’t hold onto a grudge or dwell in the past. It opens the door to a future shaped by grace, fostered by forgiveness, and marked by renewal.

Love Rejoices with the Truth (Jesus and the Samaritan Woman):
In the story of Jesus and the Samaritan woman, we see a love that rejoices with the truth. Jesus, in His conversation with the woman, brings forth the truth in love, offering her the living water of eternal life. This encounter shows us that true love does not hide from the truth but embraces it, bringing healing and restoration.

Bible Project Video – Chara: “Joy”

I’ve got an awesome little video for you today from The Bible Project that offers a great explanation of Biblical Joy. This one is only 4 and a half minutes long, so it won’t take up a lot of your time. If you have any trouble viewing this video at all, click here to watch it on YouTube.

This Week’s Challenge

This week in our video, Karissa challenged us to look beyond ourselves and consider reaching out to someone this Christmas—perhaps that one person we tend to avoid at family gatherings. Could we surprise them with an anonymous act of kindness or include someone who might be spending the holiday alone? She encourages us to pray for guidance to see who around us might need a gesture of love or practical help during this season of giving.

This Week’s Bible Verse

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 Week at a Glance

Note: Each day includes a short Bible reading assignment and brief chapter for reflection. If you would like to study any of the chapters deeper, take a look at the study sheet I have created for you. Feel free to answer any or all of the questions. Click here to view and print it.


  • Light a candle today, and if you have a purple one—even better. The lighting of an Advent candle serves as a visual reminder of the light of Christ that we anticipate and celebrate during this season. (Find out more about the candles here).
  • Find today’s Bible reading assignment under day 1 in your study guide (Luke 2:1-7). Read that portion of the Bible before reading the chapter in the guide.
  • Check in on the community at: Share your thoughts on today’s chapter.


  • Find today’s Bible reading assignment under day 2 in your study guide (Luke 10:38-42 & 1 Cor. 12:4-11). Read that portion of the Bible before reading the chapter in the guide.
  • Check in on the community at: Share your thoughts on today’s chapter.


  • Find today’s Bible reading assignment under day 3 in your study guide (1 Sam. 18:1-4 & 1 Sam. 19:1-7). Read that portion of the Bible before reading the chapter in the guide.
  • Check in on the community at: Share your thoughts on today’s chapter.
  • today’s chapter.


  • Find today’s Bible reading assignment under day 4 in your study guide (Ruth 1). Read that portion of the Bible before reading the chapter in the guide.
  • Check in on the community at: Share your thoughts on today’s chapter.


  • Find today’s Bible reading assignment under day 5 in your study guide (Genesis 29:15-30). Read that portion of the Bible before reading the chapter in the guide.
  • Check in on the community at: Share your thoughts on today’s chapter.


  • Find today’s Bible reading assignment under day 6 in your study guide (Hosea 1-3). Read that portion of the Bible before reading the chapter in the guide.

  • Check in on the community at: Share your thoughts on today’s chapter.


  • Find today’s Bible reading assignment under day 7 in your study guide (John 4:1-42). Read that portion of the Bible before reading the chapter in the guide.

  • Check in on the community at: Share your thoughts on today’s chapter.


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  1. Thank you!

  2. if a person is subscribed to your website, do they have access to the Quieting Your heart Bible study questions? Or just the ones above. Thanks

    • Hi Ingrid, they would have access to that yes. Sorry it took me a while to answer, I seem to have missed this question. Eventually all of my Bible studies including the questions will be in the members only section. It’s taking a while to find old files, put them together, and in some cases rewrite them.

      With that said, the Quieting Your Heart Christmas study is in the members only section. I post a chapter each week.