I asked my sister Bonnie if I could take some photos of her craft room today. Normally when one thinks of “crafting” they picture a disorganized artist at work. At least that’s what I see when I look in the mirror. But Bonnie and my other sister Kathy have organization down to a T when it comes to their craft room and quilting supplies. I wasn’t able to get into Kathy’s house to take photos YET but her rooms (yes plural) will blow your mind.
Without further ado, let’s take a peek into Bonnie’s space. Hopefully we can glean some ideas for your craft room, your office, or your writing nook.

Aren’t they the cutest thing?!!

according to the width of the fabric scraps. 2″, 2.5″ 3″, etc.

What is this shelving? Shoe storage units on top of a desk.
I’m thinking… paperclips and thumbtacks on my office desk!

An ironing board hangs on the back of her door.
It reminds me that even perfect sisters burn things every now and then. 😉
Not shown is an empty kleenex box that she uses to discard thread clippings.
My brother-in-law Jerry also made this for her.
It’s a light fixture that was modified to look like a spool of thread.

My daughter got one of these for Christmas.
It’s the cutest little tin for storing away a measuring tape.
A bookshelf for baskets that sewing manuals, and fabric scraps.
And that’s it for the tour. Thank you, Bonnie for letting us into your wonderful world of quilting. Hopefully it will give us all a few ideas for organizing around your homes.
Can’t wait to pick up some of those shoe storage units, and maybe a table top spice rack…
You are loved by an almighty God,
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