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My Closing Thoughts on Chapter 8
What a journey this week has been as we immersed ourselves in Esther Chapter 8. One verse, in particular, jumped off the page for me, and maybe for you too: “The king’s edict granted the Jews in every city the right to assemble and protect themselves; to destroy, kill and annihilate the armed men of any nationality or province who might attack them and their women and children, and to plunder the property of their enemies” (Esther 8:11, NIV).
At first glance, this might seem like a harsh directive, but let’s not forget the context. The Jews were facing the threat of annihilation. They were given not just the right to defend themselves, but also to take proactive measures against those who sought their harm. It’s a parallel that reminds me so much of our Christian battle against sin.
When Jesus died on the Cross, He gave us a new covenant, freeing us from the condemnation of sin. Given this profound truth, why do we still wrestle with sin? If Jesus conquered Satan, why are we still fighting against evil?
The answer lies in understanding our freedom. Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sin, freeing us from its eternal consequences. Yet, we continue to live in a fallen world. In the gap between the victory of the Cross and the promises of eternity, we find our daily battleground. It’s here we wield the freedom Christ gave us to fight the battles we still face. We find ourselves in a daily struggle, much like the Jews in the time of Esther, who had to gear up and defend themselves even after receiving the king’s favor.
Let’s not forget; the edict didn’t magically make their enemies disappear. It gave them the right and the means to fight, just as Jesus gives us the armor of God to combat the snares of the devil (Ephesians 6:11). We fight against sin not to earn our salvation, but to live out the freedom we’ve already been granted. Jesus overcame the world, and because of Him, we can too (John 16:33).
In a sense, every day is a battle to protect the spiritual ground we’ve gained. It’s a fight worth having because we’re safeguarding the freedom Christ won for us.
So, as we wrap up this week, I want you to think about this: Are you taking up your spiritual armor? Are you actively participating in your own deliverance from sin, not because you have to earn it, but because it’s already yours?
Thank you for being a part of this enriching study. Keep fighting the good fight of faith, my friends, and I’ll see you for the last week of our study on Tuesday. Have a great weekend!
You are loved by an almighty God,
Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife
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