You know the old saying, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” I know this is not the case in every situation, but it’s a good starting point if you’re trying to impress your husband… not to mention keep him alive!
Knowing that our husbands generally eat three meals a day, we have several opportunities to provide him with something that satisfies him and replenishes him. This can be done in a healthy or not-so-healthy manner. Although I would like to do better, I am not a health food junkie. We eat what we like and not necessarily what’s best for us.
Depending on your husband’s work schedule you may or may not get to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with him. We only get dinner together in our home therefore I try to prepare meals that I know my husband likes, will leave the table feeling satisfied after having eaten, and that will give him strength for the next task at hand.
Family meal time is very important to me. We always eat together as a family in our home. The family table is a great place to unwind, share the day’s events, laugh, and make memories. My husband leads us in prayer at the dinner table (unless our 3 year old beats him to it).
If you have a pressing issue you need to discuss with your husband, oftentimes the best time to bring it up is after dinner when he’s had time to let the day’s events roll off his shoulders, he’s lightened his load, and enjoyed a wonderful meal prepared by the one that means the most to him in the world.
If you don’t feel like you’re any good in the kitchen and you completely fail at an attempt to create a five star meal, don’t let it get the best of you. You’ve got plenty of chances to prove yourself in the kitchen. Just keep trying and make it fun for the whole family. Your children are probably dying to help you, so let them as often as possible.
Today’s Challenge:Prepare your husband’s favorite meal with dessert. Set the table nicely and enjoy a wonderful time of fellowship with your husband at the family table. Pull out the best dishes and light a candle! Ask him how his day was. Make eye contact. Surprise him by playing “footsie” with him like when you were dating. Set the mood for the rest of the evening at the dinner table. |
Today’s Challenger:
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