I should never be a nurse. Actually, I should never go anywhere near the medical field.
When my children are sick, I am extremely gentle and nurturing. However, when my husband is sick, my gentleness turns to impatience and a nurturing attitude is usually nowhere to be found. For some reason, the phrases “You’re tough,” and “Remember all those childbirths I had?” always pop out of my mouth before I realize it.
Why is it that those we love the most seem to suffer the most from our lack of patience?
I am ashamed to admit that on the rare occasions my husband is sick, I only think about how his sickness will affect me. I think about everything that I will need to do since he is out of commission, and worry with dread that I will also come down with his sickness. This increases my stress level, and rapidly decreases my patience. The last thing I seem to consider is how my sweet hubby feels.
Should I admit this? I’m having second thoughts now…
The other day, my husband had a terrible day, and I resolved in my heart to be completely supportive and loving. He went into the dentist, and came out 2 hours later with both a new crown and a root canal. What a party! I sat down with my children and explained that Daddy was having a very rough day. We thought of different ways we could help him feel better… bring him a glass of water, clear the couch so he could rest, turn the TV on his favorite show, fix his favorite dinner, etc. My heart was overjoyed when I saw how lovingly my children behaved toward Daddy!
… and I felt a bit convicted that I didn’t love my husband every day like I did on “Root Canal Day”.
At the end of our very pleasant evening, I asked my husband, “How can I show you more love? What can I do each day to make you feel loved?“
“I’ve felt very loved today,” he replied.
Today…. today… today….. maybe that is the secret.
If I wake up each day, and freshly commit to loving my husband the way God wants me to love him, the threading together of many “todays” will make a beautiful future of love.
“Forever is composed of nows.” ~Emily Dickinson
As wives and mothers, our plates are often full. We get pulled in a million directions, run on an empty tank of energy, and keep going well past our breaking points. However, God’s grace is always sufficient. I am so very thankful for my husband. My heart’s desire is to intentionally show him love and to be an example of a loving wife in front of our children. To do that, I just need to do it today.
Perhaps your marriage is on rocky ground today. I encourage you not to feel anxious about the future. Take a deep breath, and pray for God’s strength and direction to love your husband today. Maybe you have been through some rocky times in the past that occasionally come back to haunt you. Sweet friend, shake off Satan’s discouragement, and look to Jesus. He will give you the strength you need for today.
“Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins” ~ 1 Peter 4:8
How do we love our husbands intentionally each day? Easy! Just give your marriage a root canal:
1. Clean the tooth (Confess your sins to our loving, merciful Lord)
2. Seal the tooth (Commit to love your husband each day, and tell him your vow)
3. Restore the tooth (Pray and Study God’s Word Together)
“And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.” ~ Colossians 3:14
Anyone up for a marriage root canal? The line forms here! I’ll be right beside you!
Thank you so much, Darlene for allowing me to guest post! Please join me all through October at “Only A Breath” where I will be sharing “31 Days to Love Your Neighbor.” It is an interesting journey that is challenging my heart! I pray it will be a blessing to others as well!
Today’s Challenge:Think of three intentional, specific ways to show love to your husband today. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. In fact, the most simple things are often the most appreciated. Tell him thank you for something he did around the house. Perhaps you could cook his favorite meal or take on one of his chores tonight so that he can get a little extra rest. I would love to hear your ideas! |
Today’s Challenger:
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