Looking Forward to Our Next Study

Ladies, this is the final week of our study on the book of Esther. I’ve enjoyed this study immensely, not only for the rich insights we’ve gleaned from the Scriptures but also for the genuine community we’ve nurtured in our Facebook group. As we close this chapter, I’m thrilled to announce our next adventure: Jonah: The Inescapable Love of God.

This new study will kick off on October 9th and will continue for five weeks. To prepare your hearts, I encourage you to pick up a copy of the journal on Amazon. It’s a story that will challenge us to face our own reluctances and embrace the overwhelming, relentless love God has for each and every one of us.

Karissa will be back to bless us with her insightful videos. Together, we look forward to a deep dive into God’s Word and fostering an even closer fellowship among us all. Your participation has been the heartbeat of this group, and I can’t wait to see how God uses our collective thirst for wisdom to draw us nearer to Him and to one another.

Are you looking for the other posts in this study? Click here for the table of contents.

Esther Chapters 9 & 10 – The Jew’s Deliverance

Click here to watch this video on Youtube

My granddaughter is four years old now, and as she grows, she’s gaining independence. She can go to the potty on her own now, and she’s proud of it. She’s old enough to carry the stepping stool over to the sink to wash and dry her hands. She can even turn on the light by herself. Yet, there’s one thing she’s not ready to do alone—walk into a dark room. She won’t do it unless someone is walking beside her.

There’s something about darkness that puts a little fear in all of us. It represents the unknown, a space where anything could happen. It’s unsettling at times, full of possibilities we’d rather not consider. That’s where Esther was in this story—at the doorway of a dark room unsure where the next step would lead. “If I perish, I perish” reflects a deep understanding of that uncertainty.

In the same way that a parent’s hand will guide their child through darkness, we see the unseen hand of God guiding the Jews to victory in this story.

But what if we don’t feel that hand, or sense His guidance in the darkness?

Charles Spurgeon answers that question by saying, “God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. And when we cannot trace His hand, we must trust His heart.”

Those words are a warm reminder that even when we don’t see God’s hand directly, we can still trust His heart to guide us through the challenges we face.

The presence or absence of faith has a powerful influence on our lives. Looking back to Chapter 6, we’re reminded of the words spoken to Haman, “Since Mordecai, before whom your downfall has started, is of Jewish origin, you cannot stand against him—you will surely come to ruin!”

What we see here is that the fear of God can either stimulate our faith or fill us with apprehension. Mordecai’s steadfastness revealed the glory of God and became a beacon to others, underlining the transformative power of a faith-filled life. While his rise to power caused many to fear, it emboldened the Jews to fight for their lives. They had a new-found authority backing them up, but more importantly the unseen hand of God was upon them.

Our verse for this week, Deuteronomy 31:16, serves as a timely reminder: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

May we all find comfort and courage in this timeless truth, embracing the strength that comes from the assurance that we are never alone.

This Week’s Challenge

For this week’s challenge, let’s confront our own “dark rooms” in life—those situations or decisions shrouded in uncertainty. Spend some quiet moments in prayer, asking God for the courage to step into these unknowns, just as Esther did. Remember, it’s not about being fearless; it’s about moving forward in faith, knowing God walks beside us.

This Week’s Bible Verse

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Week at a Glance


Watch this week’s video at Time-Warp Wife or on Youtube (subscribe while you’re there)
Print off this week’s Bible verse at Time-Warp Wife.
Read Esther Chapters 9 & 10.
Check in on the community at: facebook.com/groups/biblestudies. While you are there, maybe you could drop in a friendly message wishing others a blessed week, or share a prayer for the week ahead.


Spend time prayerfully considering this chapter. In a separate journal answer any or all of these questions as you immerse yourself in the text:

What is the main story or message of the chapter?

This question is designed to help you understand the broader narrative or teachings of the chapter.

Who are the key characters involved, and how do they contribute to the story?

Understanding characters and their roles can shed light on the events in the story.

What personal reflections do you have after reading this chapter?

This question gives you an opportunity to connect the passage with your own life.

How do you interpret the main message or moral of this chapter?

This question invites you to express your own interpretations and perspective as the Spirit guides you.

Are there any specific passages that stood out to you? Why?

Focusing on specific lines can help you gain a deeper understanding of the text.

How might this chapter change your thinking or behavior?

This encourages you to think about the practical application of the Bible’s teachings in your day-to-day life.


Work on the questions in your study guide.
Share your reflections in the Facebook group.
Respond to at least one other person’s post in the group to encourage others.


Visit Time-Warp Wife to read Darlene’s closing thoughts on the chapter.
Reflect on Darlene’s insights and how they align with or enhance your understanding of the week’s study.
Share your own closing thoughts or responses to Darlene’s reflections in the Facebook group.

When you purchase a copy of the study guide, you’re actively supporting and strengthening our ministry as we spread the empowering message of the gospel to women across the globe!

We understand that not everyone can purchase the study guide, which is why we provide a printable version exclusively for those facing financial constraints. By subscribing below, you’ll unlock access to these downloadable materials. As part of our community, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the content at your own pace. Plus, as an added treat, you’ll receive periodic devotions from Time-Warp Wife, delivered directly to your inbox. Together, we can grow in faith and discover the abundant blessings of our shared journey. Join us in spreading the empowering message of the gospel to women all around the world.


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