The new printables are ready for February and March! Each one has the monthly calendar at a glance, and the following sections to write in:

  • To Do’s – Things you need to do today
  • Hope To Do’s – Additional things you’d like to do if time permits
  • Prayer Requests 
  • Reminders 
  • Bible Reading – What you plan to read in the Bible or a verse that comes to mind
  • Groceries
  • Thinking Ahead – Goals or future commitments
  • People to Call

Each page is intended for daily use, therefore I’d recommend printing off several at a time.

And if you haven’t checked it out yet, take a look at my weekly housekeeping schedule. It’s a great way to get the house clean and keep it looking that way!

If you would like to view or download the printables for February and March,
just click the links below the image. (Originals are full-sized pages).

If you are an email subscriber, and have trouble viewing the links, click through to the website at: Time-Warp Wife.

You are loved by an almighty God,


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