Coming June 5th to July 7th – 5-Week Bible Study
“Paul’s Letter to the Romans”

I have to apologize for the long blogging break, but since Romans is so in-depth, it’s taken me a while to compile this study. I would have preferred to be finished weeks ago, but God had other plans I suppose.

The good news is that it’s going to be an incredible study. I’ve always loved Paul’s letter to the Romans and this study has deepened my love for it all the more.

Outlining the road to salvation, Paul shows us the purpose of man and the mystery revealed through Jesus Christ.

Romans teaches us that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. There is not one that is righteous apart from our Lord. There’s not one that seeketh God; there’s not one that doeth good (Romans 3:11-12). For it is God who seeks and who saves, and it’s only through Him that we find righteousness and peace.

Paul sets the record straight for all who seek to be saved through their own righteousness, by reminding us that we are weak through the flesh.

Did you know that the word “God” is mentioned 153 times in the book of Romans? That’s more than any other New Testament book. With a passion to spread the gospel, Paul cuts to the heart of the message by clearly showing us the path to salvation through Jesus Christ, and God’s will for mankind.

The chronological order of events puts this book within the 20th and 21st chapter of Acts where we see Paul, “determined to sail by Ephesus, because he would not spend the time in Asia: for he hasted, if it were possible for him, to be at Jerusalem the day of Pentecost.” This lines up with Romans 15:25 where Paul writes, “But now I go unto Jerusalem to minister unto the saints.” This was Paul’s third missionary journey.

As we make our way through this epistle we see how Paul speaks to both Jews and Gentiles. He warns the Jews not to lean on their lineage, while teaching them to lean on the Lord. He gives the Gentiles a dose of humility, while he cautions them to walk in obedience and to honor the heritage of the Jews who were first to receive the promises and the oracles of God.

This letter is inspiring, it’s encouraging, and it’s empowering to all who put their faith in Jesus Christ.


Participation is FREE…

The study is five weeks long. I’ll have a FREE study guide that you can download, as well as printable resources each week throughout the study to encourage you along. The study guide will be right here on May 31st along with a more detailed explanation of the study.


Don’t Miss a Post… 

We don’t require sign ups for this study, but if you’d like to subscribe to the blog, you can receive email updates so that you don’t miss a post! Click here to subscribe (it’s free!) IMPORTANT: Once you enter your email address, you must confirm by checking your email and clicking the confirmation letter that’s sent to you.

If you have any trouble subscribing, just email me at darlene@darleneschacht .net (no spaces) and say, “please subscribe me to the blog.”

Additional Option… 

In addition to the study guide, I’ve created a journal (available now at Amazon) for the study. This one is a Bible-study/journal combination with thought provoking questions, quotes from some of our favorite Bible commentators, space to jot down your thoughts, and whimsical images that help make your study time creative. In it you’ll find everything you need to complete the study.

FAQ: What’s the difference between the journal and the FREE study guide? 

The journal is not only beautifully designed, it also has everything in one place so that you don’t have to download and print the questions. It also has some notations to help you understand the text. It’s designed to be a keepsake in which you can journal, and then tuck away for future reference.

It’s ideal for group study, because members can take their booklets home, answer the questions, color in the pages if they like, and bring them back each week to share their thoughts.

The journal is available now on Amazon. I’ve also provided some sample pages below so you can take a peek inside. (This post contains affiliate links)

(Please note: The journal is an optional addition. You do not require it to take part in this study, and will definitely enjoy the free resources I provide)


 The Book of Romans – Now Available

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The study will run for five consecutive weeks, June 5th to July 7th .

But First: Come back here on May 31st for the free study guide. See you then!

You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife