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Jacob Bible Study – Genesis 27

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Learning to Lean

As a young author, I stood by one rule: “A book isn’t finished until the author is happy with every single word.” I remember sharing this thought with my niece, who shares my love for writing. I compared the process to a carpenter’s work—carefully sanding down a piece of wood until it’s perfectly smooth, not just right, but flawless.

A few months later, I found myself in the middle of a challenging project that felt never-ending. With one problem after another, I started to feel discouraged, wondering if the book would ever be complete. Then, in a moment of wisdom, my niece approached me with a word of wisdom. “Maybe this time,” she said, “the book won’t be finished until God is happy with every single word.” Her words struck a chord within me. They reminded me that sometimes, what feels like delays or obstacles might just be God’s way of refining our work and our hearts.

As I got to thinking about that this week, I was reminded of Rebekah, who ran ahead of God. Driven by her love for Jacob and a desire to see God’s promise fulfilled, Rebekah took matters into her own hands. She devised a plan to deceive Isaac and secure the blessing for Jacob, rather than trusting in God’s timing and wisdom. By doing so, she traded God’s perfect plan for her own flawed one, resulting in a cascade of complications and heartache.

During times of uncertainty, we all have days when we run ahead of God. Trusting our wisdom, we attempt to speed up God’s plan with our own. Rebekah’s story, however, serves to remind us to trust in God’s timing and wisdom.

In the complexity of our plans, we often forget how simple it is to trust the Spirit. But in our moments of weakness, we’re reminded of the joy and peace that come from letting go and trusting God. When we surrender, we don’t lose our power; instead, we gain strength from a source much greater than ourselves. We can walk confidently, knowing that the same God who guided the faithful before us is guiding us now. He turns our struggles into stories of His grace and our battles into testimonies of His faithfulness.

Imagine yourself facing a difficult decision and choosing to follow the nudge of the Spirit when the outcome is uncertain. You might feel isolated when you’re swimming against the tide, but in that solitude, your faith is being forged like a precious metal refined in the fires of challenge. Your decision becomes a silent sermon preached in the quiet chapel of your heart, echoing the footsteps of those who walked by faith, not by sight.

Faith isn’t a roadmap to a comfortable life, but a compass pointing us toward God’s overarching sovereignty. It’s about recognizing that even when we’re pressed from every side, we’re not destroyed. In 2 Corinthians 4:7, Paul writes, “But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” He’s reminding us here that there is a power at work within us. The same Spirit that gives us wisdom empowers us to rise above our hardship and remain steadfast. He goes on to write, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9, NIV)

As we study Genesis 27 this week, let’s reflect on Rebekah’s actions and the lessons they hold for us. Let’s strive to trust in God’s perfect timing and wisdom, knowing that His plans for us are far greater than anything we could devise on our own. By surrendering our will to His, we can find peace in the journey and confidence in His sovereign plan.


This Week’s Challenge

Take a moment each day this week to reflect on areas in your life where you might be trying to run ahead of God’s plan. Write down one specific instance where you can practice patience and trust in His timing. Pray for the strength to surrender this situation to God and trust in His perfect wisdom.

This Week’s Bible Verse

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Week at a Glance

TUESDAY: Genesis 27:1-4

Watch this week’s video at Time-Warp Wife or on Youtube (subscribe while you’re there)
Print off this week’s Bible verse at Time-Warp Wife.

Read Genesis 27:1-4

Check in on the community at: If you are new to the group, now is a good time to introduce yourself. While you are there, maybe you could drop in a friendly message wishing others a blessed week, or share a prayer for the week ahead.

WEDNESDAY – Genesis 27:5-7:

Go through the section in your study guide for Genesis 27:5-7, and answer the questions at the end of that section.
Share your reflections in the Facebook group.

THURSDAY – Genesis 27:8-29:

Go through the section in your study guide for Genesis 27:8-29 , answer the questions at the end of that section.
Share your reflections in the Facebook group.

Respond to at least one other person’s post in the group to encourage others.

FRIDAY – Genesis 27:30-46:

Visit Time-Warp Wife to read Darlene’s closing thoughts on this chapter.

Share your reflections in the Facebook group.

SATURDAY – Catch up

This is a long chapter. Use today and Monday to catch up.


MONDAY – Catch up

Use this day to catch up to the rest of the group.

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Hi! I’m so glad you’re here. Life can be tough, and sometimes we all need a bit of guidance and encouragement. That’s the heart behind Time-Warp Wife – a special place where women can find practical advice and spiritual nourishment whenever they need it.

Whether you’re feeling lost, struggling in your relationships, or just looking for some inspiration, I’m here for you. Through my Bible studies and devotions, I’m dedicated to helping women like you grow closer to God and cultivate fulfilling, God-centered relationships.

Take a look around, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need someone to pray for you. Together, let’s strengthen our faith and discover the joy that can only be found in Christ.

You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife

1 Comment

  1. Thank you! May the Lord richly bless and refresh you daily!