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Jacob Bible Study – Genesis 28

Click here to watch this video on Youtube

Living, active faith

Hey besties! I hope you’re enjoying the study thus far. I’m definitely enjoying your fellowship over in our Facebook group, and hope that more of you will engage in the conversations so we can get to know you too. Are you ready for chapter four? Open your Bible, grab a pen, and let’s get started!

I absolutely love how this chapter opens because it reflects the depth of God’s love, His forgiveness, and grace. We just finished reading about this man deceiving his aging father. We saw him lie, conspire, and scheme, and yet, when we turn the page, we discover something astonishing. He’s being blessed all over again. It’s a powerful reminder that despite our failures and shortcomings, God is forgiving, compassionate, and kind. By His amazing grace, we’re given a second chance, a third chance, and even more chances to turn back to Him and walk in His ways. His mercy never runs out, and His love never fails.

And let’s not overlook Isaac’s part in all of this. His attitude toward Jacob reflected the character of God. Had he been a lesser man, he might have stewed in his anger for a while before choosing grace, but rather than succumbing to the flesh, he chose love, compassion, and grace. This says a lot about Isaac’s character, but it also points to his role as a parent, teaching us that the greatest thing we can do for our children is point them to Christ by the way that we live. Our behavior, choices, and responses to life’s challenges profoundly impact our children. When they see us modeling forgiveness, humility, and steadfast faith, they learn to value these qualities and understand the importance of a close relationship with God. Our actions speak louder than words, and by embodying Christ’s love and grace, we guide our children towards a path of righteousness.

This week in our study, we also explore the difference between merely believing that God exists and having active faith in Him. Isaac’s actions exemplify this active faith. One is simply acknowledging His existence, while the other produces works that reflect our commitment to living according to God’s will. Isaac’s protection, forgiveness, blessings, grace, and steadfast love toward his family are clear demonstrations of his active faith in God:

Protection: He ensured the well-being and safety of Jacob, just as God protects His children.

Forgiveness: Despite being deceived by Jacob, Isaac chose to forgive, mirroring God’s readiness to forgive us.

Blessing: He blessed his sons, showing generosity and kindness, much like God’s abundant blessings toward us.

Grace: He extended grace to Jacob, choosing not to respond with anger but with compassion and understanding.

Steadfast Love: He demonstrated a consistent and enduring love for his children, reflecting God’s unwavering love for us.

It’s believed that Jacob was quite old at this point in our story, but even so, it’s never too late to do right as a parent, to set an example of faith and integrity for our children. No matter our age or past mistakes, we have the opportunity to demonstrate God’s love and lead our families in His ways, ensuring that our legacy is one of faithfulness and godliness.

You are loved by an almighty God, 

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife


This Week’s Challenge

This week, let’s focus on reflecting the character of God in our daily interactions. Whether you’re with your children, at work, among friends, or even with strangers, aim to demonstrate protection by caring for others, practice forgiveness, offer blessings through kindness, extend grace in challenging situations, and show steadfast love.

This Week’s Bible Verse

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Week at a Glance


Watch this week’s video at Time-Warp Wife or on Youtube (subscribe while you’re there)
Print off this week’s Bible verse at Time-Warp Wife.

Go through the section in your study guide for Genesis 28:1-5, and answer the questions at the end of that section.

Check in on the community at: If you are new to the group, now is a good time to introduce yourself. While you are there, maybe you could drop in a friendly message wishing others a blessed week, or share a prayer for the week ahead.


Go through the section in your study guide for Genesis 28:6-9, and answer the questions at the end of that section.
Share your reflections in the Facebook group.

THURSDAY – Genesis 28:10-22

Go through the section in your study guide for Genesis 28:10-22, answer the questions at the end of that section.

Share your reflections in the Facebook group.
Respond to at least one other person’s post in the group to encourage others.

FRIDAY – God’s Promises

Create a List of God’s Promises from Genesis 28.

1. Read Genesis 28:10-22: Spend some time reading and reflecting on the passage where Jacob has his dream at Bethel.

2. Identify the Promises: Create a list of the specific promises God makes to Jacob in this passage. Write them down, noting the verses where each promise is found.

3. Reflect on the Promises: Next to each promise, write a short reflection on how it might apply to your own life. Consider questions like: How do these promises demonstrate God’s faithfulness? What does this passage reveal about God’s character

P.S. Don’t let this list stress you out. The answers will be different for all of us as God is revealing His Word. I found six promises. I will share my answers with you all in the facebook group on the weekend.

Visit Time-Warp Wife to read Darlene’s closing thoughts on this chapter

Share your reflections in the Facebook group.

SATURDAY – Catch up

Use today and Monday to catch up.


MONDAY – Catch up

Use this day to catch up to the rest of the group.

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Hi! I’m so glad you’re here. Life can be tough, and sometimes we all need a bit of guidance and encouragement. That’s the heart behind Time-Warp Wife – a special place where women can find practical advice and spiritual nourishment whenever they need it.

Whether you’re feeling lost, struggling in your relationships, or just looking for some inspiration, I’m here for you. Through my Bible studies and devotions, I’m dedicated to helping women like you grow closer to God and cultivate fulfilling, God-centered relationships.

Take a look around, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need someone to pray for you. Together, let’s strengthen our faith and discover the joy that can only be found in Christ.

You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife


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