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I’ve recently discovered that my husband reads my blog every day. I knew he was peeking in from time to time, but reading it every day? Well, that’s pretty cool. It blesses me beyond measure to know that he’s peeking in and cares about a ministry I’m passionate about.
So last weekend, I asked him why he doesn’t comment.
“Well,” he said, “I thought it might seem a little self serving.”
He’s humble that way, and I love that about him. But I was quick to remind him of Proverbs 31 which says, “Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her.” v.28
Then I got to thinking about my own role in this, which brought me to verse 23 of the same chapter, “Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land.” And I was reminded that every word I speak about my husband in public is painting a picture him.
What kind of a reputation am I giving this man? Is it one that abounds with kindness and grace? I hope so. But in order to do that I have to respect him enough to speak well of him.
And so today I wanted to remind each one of you to speak well of your husband (and guys, speak well of your wife). Be the first one to sing his praises and the last one to point out his flaws. Respect him in such a way that his noble character is evident to every one that you meet. Let him be known at the city gates for his good qualities, not those little things that get under your skin. Some things are better left in the privacy of your home.
And if he isn’t so noble? If you can’t think of anything good to say? Then start looking for something of worth. Pray that God will help you to notice his value. Maybe he’s good at his job, maybe he’s an awesome photographer, maybe he’s great with computers… I’m sure there’s something that makes him unique. Find it.
With that, I’d love to sing my husband’s praises. Yes, it might seem self serving to some, but the truth is that I’m serving the one that I love.
So if you’re reading this today, Michael, here are 7 incredible things that I love about you.
1. I’m proud of who you are – I could never tell you this enough. I’m proud to call you my husband and the father of our children. You’re a good man whose character is the evidence of your unwavering faith in God.
2. You’re an incredible father – I love our kids and the way they are growing in your footsteps. A day doesn’t go by without me seeing a glimpse of you in each one of them, and it’s awesome to see!
3. You’re the best husband EVER – You are my best friend, my lover, and home to my heart. You are one of my greatest blessings from God, and your love is a gift that I open every day.
4. Thank you for your tireless effort – Your dedication to providing for us does not go unnoticed. Thank you for working without complaint and giving of yourself to your job every day.
5. We appreciate the little things you do – Rubbing my back at night, tucking me in when I’m tired, fixing little things around the house, bringing me chocolate, a kiss in the kitchen, watching one of my shows, listening to me talk about my day… and the list goes on… thank you for the many little things you do.
6. The awesome way you fix our dishwasher when the door is broken. See photo here.
7. I want to grow old with you – If anyone were to ask me what I want to be when I grow up, I can say with all certainty that I want to be the one holding your hand.
I love you – Today, tomorrow, forever… you hold the key to my heart.
Chime in: What good things can you tell us about your husband? Click here to join the discussion.
You are loved by an almighty God,
Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife
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