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The other day I shared this quote with my readers on facebook, “God I pray that You would mold me into the wife my husband needs me to be.”

While the quote was favorable among hundreds of readers there were a few that didn’t see it quite the same way.

One reader said, “My husband loves and accepts me just the way that I am. I don’t need to change myself for him.” That’s not so uncommon. In fact I can’t count the number of women who would agree with that statement. All we have to do is turn on the television to see that it’s a popular mindset.

I mulled that thought around for a while, and after much thought and prayer I started to gain a deeper understanding of this desire to change.

Why should we change? Do we need to change? And if I do change, who am I changing for?

The bottom line is that we are molded by the Father—not according to that which our husband desires, but rather that which fulfills our purpose.

And the LORD God said, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.” ~ Genesis 2:18, KJV

Love is a beautiful thing, but it demands sacrifice through sickness and through health. I’m prepared to meet my husband’s needs today, but what if they change tomorrow—will I be prepared? It’s easy for a marriage to thrive when conditions are good, but what about those times when the going gets tough? Stress, sickness, poverty, and distance are a reality for many families. Life tends to throw us a curve ball at times, and so in order for us to be prepared for those rough patches we must be exercised by faith.

Here’s a quote by Francis Chan who says it better than I ever could:

It is true that God may have called you to be exactly where you are. But, it is absolutely vital to grasp that he didn’t call you there so you could settle in and live your life in comfort and superficial peace.

And so, getting back to that quote we see how necessary it is to be molded into the wife that he needs. Here’s the thing, we can either refuse to grow with the mindset that we are perfect just the way we are, or we can be clay in the hands of a Potter who has our best interest at heart.

It’s through the working of patience and the endurance of trials that we grow in spirit. These are the very things that equip us to handle tomorrow.

When we allow God to shape us into the woman our husband needs rather than the woman we think we should be, we live out our purpose and bring glory to God.

You are loved by an almighty God,

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Check out my book, The Good Wife’s Guide: Embracing Your Role as a Help Meet