How to Unhurry Yourself. Unwind.

We’re continuing our Women Living Well series this week on the topic of your walk with the King. 

“You know . . . it’s not easy being a woman,”

She said as I sat cross-legged on my bed.

And I remember thinking, “I know . . .”

I know.

As a woman we have so many people to please, so many to take care of.

We want to fill every hole and fix every hurt.

We want to protect, and propel others into the light.


And at the end of it all we feel worn out and not worth much.

We are the sources of inspiration.

We are the bulwarks of support.

And every day we feel like we’re failing something —or someone.

Every day something on the list doesn’t quite get done.

Every day we feel a little less young and beautiful.


Because we have chosen not to let the world’s definition of success define us, we have created our own.

And it goes like this: I will do everything.

I know that feeling, because I have it pretty much every day.

And it’s good to try hard and want the best for the people we love.

Really it is.

But sometimes I think we need to slow a little.

“We try to defy nature and keep going…We live in a world that runs 24/7. Computers, television, cell phones, the Internet, restaurants, grocery stores, and more…We try to keep pace with our hyperactive culture…” – Courtney Joseph in Women Living Well

Have you ever opened your door early in the morning and seen the fresh day?

Has the color of flowers ever caught your eye, or the great blue sky above?

When did we last stop to listen to the sounds of silence . . . the sounds that remind us of His love.

You see, we live in a fallen world . . . where everything has to be worked for.

And we women know how to work: to protect and raise and bring to life those around us.

We know how to do that.

But we can’t go on forever doing things in our own strength.

We have to be energized and loved.

We have to be poured into.

We have to be nourished.

“In the same way we women need forced dormant moments where we can come inside to be alone with God.” – Courtney Joseph in Women Living Well


Think of this beautiful world He created.

Think of Eden.

He meant for this life to be perfect and beautiful. But with the sin that came into the world, His love for us crowded out by darkness and busyness.

Rushing and stressing

Open the windows of your heart, and open His Word.

It is one long Book of Love.


We need to make time to remember His love.

That’s what we really need to make time for.

And wherever you feel His love, that’s the place you need to go.

I like going for long walks by myself.

Perhaps you like something different.

Perhaps you like looking at the stars in the dark.

Or maybe drinking cups of green tea.

“I think women need to get their rest. We need to take care of ourselves emotionally, physically, spiritually…” ~ Courtney Joseph in Women Living Well

But whatever it is, we need to find time to be loved. But often we’re too busy, so God can’t even get a word in edge –wise.

Give God the time to show His love for you.

Because, as we walk with the King, . . .“It is in our unhurried moments that we can see and hear clearly…It is in our slow moments that we best connect with our Creator.” ~ Courtney Joseph in Women Living Well

So unhurry yourself.


Breathe in and open your eyes.

Savoury Jacobson, SavoryThots


Savoury Jacobson


Savoury is a young, Christian blogger who loves talking about new things with old souls. Her main passion is to inspire people to live free in a world that would put us all in chains. She has many interests ranging from classical music, to politics, to travel. She loves to think and write, but even more than that she loves to do. You can find more of Savoury over at her blog, SavoryThots, as well as on Facebook and Instagram

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