Hi! I’m so glad you’re here. Life can be tough, and sometimes we all need a bit of guidance and encouragement. That’s the heart behind Time-Warp Wife – a special place where women can find practical advice and spiritual nourishment whenever they need it.

Whether you’re feeling lost, struggling in your relationships, or just looking for some inspiration, I’m here for you. Through my Bible studies and devotions, I’m dedicated to helping women like you grow closer to God and cultivate fulfilling, God-centered relationships.

Take a look around, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need someone to pray for you. Together, let’s strengthen our faith and discover the joy that can only be found in Christ.

You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife

5 Steps to Living a Life of Integrity: Lessons from Genesis 27

5 Steps to Living a Life of Integrity: Lessons from Genesis 27

Click here to pick up a copy of the study guide at Amazon. Looking for other posts in this study? Click here for the table of contents.Growing up there was one thing we all knew for sure: lying to our parents wouldn’t end well. If we did something wrong, we were...



Note to new subscribers: If you are looking for the link to the downloadable chapter, you can find it at the bottom of your email under the "About the Author" section. Look for the link that says "Member's Only." Click here to pick up a copy of the study guide at...

4 Steps for Setting Up Your Own Altar (Genesis 26)

4 Steps for Setting Up Your Own Altar (Genesis 26)

Click here to pick up a copy of the study guide at Amazon. Looking for other posts in this study? Click here for the table of contents.Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, wondering where to turn or how to find strength for the journey ahead? I imagine Isaac...

I loved Jonah and was like “Wow” and then here she goes and blows my socks off with study on Ruth! I can’t wait till our next study!

Chastity Teeter, Time-Warp Wife Community Member

Every time I do one of Darlene’s Bible studies, I say, “This one is the best!”, and here I am saying the exact same thing about this study in The Book of Ruth, “This study IS the best!!”

Barb Camp, Time-Warp Wife Community Member