Join Our Upcoming Bible Study
Quieting Your Heart – Advent Devotional Bible Study
Over the course of four weeks beginning Tuesday, November 28th, and leading up to Christmas, join me as we journey together through the rich biblical themes of Love, Joy, Hope, and Peace. Each day is a refreshing look at scripture, shedding light on timeless stories ranging from Jacob and Rachel’s enduring love to the inspiring resilience of Paul and Silas.
This advent-devotional Bible study is an invitation to rediscover the profound love of God, revealed in the humble birth of our Savior.
Karissa will also be back to bless us with her insightful weekly videos. If you would like more information on our study, click here.
For those who’d like a copy, “Quieting Your Heart: An Invitation to Dwell in His Presence This Christmas” is available on

Are you looking for the other posts in this study? Click here for the table of contents.

Jonah Chapter 4
Embracing the Fullness of God’s Mercy and Might
Click here to watch this video on Youtube
Looking back at the four weeks behind us—Jonah’s journey from rebellion to submission, and then to reluctant obedience brings me to a question: Are we as eager to extend grace as we are to receive it?
In the introductory week of our Bible study, we read the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant from Matthew Chapter 18. In the parable, Jesus spoke about a servant who owed his master 10,000 bags of gold. Though we can’t ascertain the exact value, it’s evident that the sum was daunting—more than a lifetime of wages perhaps, seemingly impossible to repay. Yet, in an act of compassion and mercy, the master forgave the servant’s debt.
Jesus went on to illustrate that this very same servant, now free from his own enormous burden, came across a fellow servant who owed him a relatively small amount. Instead of extending the grace he had so recently embraced, however, the servant demanded repayment to the last penny.
It’s a stark reminder that receiving mercy should transform us to become vessels of mercy ourselves. And yet, we find this transformation is not always automatic—it’s a journey, sometimes one that includes faltering steps and moments of revelation.
Enter the story of Jonah. He, too, was a recipient of divine mercy, yet struggled with the call to extend that mercy to the city of Nineveh. His journey from the depths of the sea to the dry land was marked by a reluctant obedience, and even then, he grappled with the breadth of God’s grace. It’s within this struggle that we witness another facet of God’s character—His sovereignty.
There’s rich symbolism in this picture of Jonah sitting under a leafy plant. When God allowed the plant to wither, Jonah’s shade vanished. This wasn’t merely about Jonah’s discomfort; it transcended the physical to underscore a profound truth. The withering vine served as a reminder of God’s sovereignty, His ultimate control over creation, and His unchallenged authority to give and take as He pleases.
This divine orchestration wasn’t just to teach Jonah about compassion or to simply show divine power. It was to align Jonah’s heart with the heart of God—where true compassion is inseparable from the divine will. Jonah’s emotional reliance on the plant, which provided temporary solace, pales in comparison to the eternal comfort found in God’s unchanging nature.
God’s decision to cause the plant to grow and then to take it away mirrors His sovereignty over all of our lives. It’s a sovereignty that calls us to a deeper trust, beyond the ebb and flow of our circumstances. As Jonah grappled with this lesson, we too are invited to reflect on God’s sovereignty in our own lives. Are we ready to submit not only to His compassionate hand but also to His kingly authority, trusting that He gives and takes away with purposeful intent?
This Week’s Challenge
This week, we challenge you to embrace the fullness of grace that you been given and extend it outward. Take your eyes off of your personal ‘vine’, and look around for the ‘Ninevehs’ in your life—the neighbors, friends, or strangers longing for compassion. Maybe there’s someone who needs to hear the gospel, someone you could bring a meal to, or a weary mom who needs a few hours of child care. Take a step of faith and reach out. Do it wholeheartedly, for in this act of giving, we live out the love we’ve so richly received.
This Week’s Bible Verse
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Week at a Glance
Watch this week’s video at Time-Warp Wife.
Print off this week’s Bible verse at Time-Warp Wife.
Read Jonah Chapter 3.
Check in on the community at: While you are there, maybe you could drop in a friendly message wishing others a blessed week, or share a prayer for the week ahead.
Read Chapter 2 in your study guide.
Begin to work on the questions in your study guide.
Share your reflections in the Facebook group.
Respond to at least one other person’s post in the group to encourage others.
Catch up on the questions in your study guide.
If you are finished that, and you would like to study this chapter deeper, take a look at the study sheet I have created for you. Feel free to answer any or all of the questions. Click here to view and print it.
Visit Time-Warp Wife to read Darlene’s closing thoughts on the chapter.
Reflect on Darlene’s insights and how they align with or enhance your understanding of the week’s study.
Share your own closing thoughts or responses to Darlene’s reflections in the Facebook group.
We understand that not everyone can purchase the study guide, which is why we provide a printable version exclusively for those facing financial constraints. By subscribing below, you’ll unlock access to these downloadable materials. As part of our community, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the content at your own pace. Plus, as an added treat, you’ll receive periodic devotions from Time-Warp Wife, delivered directly to your inbox. Together, we can grow in faith and discover the abundant blessings of our shared journey. Join us in spreading the empowering message of the gospel to women all around the world.