Living Faithfully: A Journey Through James, available now at Amazon.com. Pick up your copy today!

Giveaway Winners Announced…

Giveaway Winners Announced! 

Hey, Besties, I’m excited to share that we’ve chosen our three winners for the giveaway! Congratulations to our lucky winners!

Eleatha Horn


Christy Osborne

I have emailed each of the giveaway winners, so if you are one of the three, please check your inbox. 

As a special thank you to all of you, I’ve created a little gift—a free printable of three bookmarks that beautifully reflect the theme of our upcoming Bible study, Living Faithfully: A Journey Through James. I hope these bookmarks will be a lovely reminder of the truths we’ll explore together. Look for those further down this page.

Before I say goodbye, just a quick reminder that our study begins on September 17th. I would love for you to join us as we dive deep into the book of James, discovering how to live out our faith with steadfastness and grace. If you know anyone who could benefit from this study, please invite your friends and let them know that free printable chapters will be available each week. 

For those who prefer to purchase a copy, the book is available now on Amazon.com. When you purchase a copy of the study guide, you’re supporting  our ministry as we spread the empowering message of the gospel to women across the globe!

Thank you to everyone who participated, and I’m looking forward to studying the Word together soon!

You are loved by an almighty God,

The Time-Warp Wife


  • Starting Date: Tuesday September 17, 2024
  • Duration: 5 Weeks
  • Is it Good for Small Group? Yes, it’s perfect for both small groups. In fact, here are 4 reasons why.


Is the study free?

You have two options for accessing this study:

1. You can purchase a copy, or

2. You can get a free version by subscribing to the blog (below or on the home page).

Why purchase a copy? By purchasing the study guide, you support our ministry, allowing us to provide Bible studies for free to those who are unable to afford them.

When you subscribe, you’ll gain access to the members-only section, where you can download printable versions of past Bible studies. Additionally, this current study will be available there, with new chapters posted each week.

Printable bookmarks

Click the image below to view and print a copy of the bookmarks. 

If you’re not sure how an online Bible study works, visit this link, where I’ve simplified  details on the way our studies work, and how you can jump in.

We understand that not everyone can purchase the study guide, which is why we will be providing a printable version for those who aren’t able to purchase one. By subscribing below, you’ll unlock access to these downloadable materials. As part of our community, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the content at your own pace. Plus, as an added treat, you’ll receive periodic devotions from Time-Warp Wife, delivered directly to your inbox. Together, we can grow in faith and discover the abundant blessings of our shared journey. Join us in spreading the empowering message of the gospel to women all around the world.