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Trial by Fire

This week’s Reading: Daniel Chapters 3 & 6

The following is an excerpt from Chapter 6 of Slaying Giants

This week we’re reading about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The Bible tells us that after they were taken to Babylon, they were promoted as as administrators over the province of Babylon, but with that promotion came a time of testing. Since idol worship was a vital part of Babylonian culture, King Nebuchadnezzar naturally expected everyone including these men to worship the golden image he had constructed and placed in the province of Babylon. Anyone refusing to worship the statue would be facing immediate execution.

Despite the cruel and torturous persecution, they faced, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, courageously stood up for their faith and remained faithful to God. As such, they were sentenced to death by fire. The Bible tells us that Nebuchadnezzar was so angry with them that he ordered the furnace to be heated seven times hotter than it would normally be.

Notice the significance here as the Bible often compares spiritual refinement with the refining of precious metal by fire.

These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. (1 Peter 1:7)

If we look at that verse in context, we see that Peter is talking about the grief we experience through the suffering of trials. Like the three men in this story, we’re going to have good days. Maybe it’s a promotion at work, maybe it’s a growing family, or maybe it’s just a day when everything is going your way… But, like them, we are going to need courage when we’re tested and tried.

When Nebuchadnezzar looked into the furnace to check on the men, he saw two things. One is that there was a fourth man with them in the fire (God was there protecting them), and the second thing he saw was that they were unbound and unharmed.

This teaches us that although affliction is tough, it can also be freeing, as we are loosed from the things that once bound us. When we stand firm in faith we overcome the enemy, we rise above tribulation, and we conquer our fear.

This Week’s Challenge:

This week, I challenge you to write down any fears or worries that might be holding you back. Spend time each day in prayer and meditation, asking God to help you overcome these fears and to give you the courage to stand firm in your faith. At the end of the week, reflect on how God has helped you to overcome, and if there are any changes in your outlook or approach towards the things that once held you back.

Take Note:

As you go through the questions at the end of each chapter, you’ll find that some of them relate to you personally. There’s no right or wrong answer with these questions as they are designed for soul searching. 

I will be back on Friday to give you my thoughts on this chapter and some of the questions from the study guide. Again, if you are looking for the printable chapter, you can find it at the bottom of the email you receive from Time-Warp Wife. If you have any trouble subscribing, feel free to email me at darlene @darleneschacht.net (no spaces in that email address)

Pick Up a Copy of the Study Guide

Slaying Giants: Finding Your Courage and Conquering Fear available now at Amazon.com

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