Slaying Giants

Find Your Courage and Conquer Your Fear

We have the power to slay giants—a roaring lion within us waiting to be unleashed. As we’re attuned to God’s power we open the door, release the lion, and release ourselves from our fear.

Giants come in many forms. They may be spiritual, mental, physical, or financial. They might be a person, or they may be a personal struggle, but there are two things they all have in common. One is that they threaten our sense of peace, and the other is that they offer us an opportunity to grow stronger in faith

Instead of being enslaved by his enemies, David conquered Goliath which in turn enslaved them. He’s one example of courage and strength, but as we open God’s Word we find many others. Stories which teach us that facing our fear can be tough, but it can also be freeing.

Perhaps you can’t find the courage to stand up for injustice. Maybe you’re struggling to defend your faith and share it with others. Maybe you’ve been putting off the one dreadful thing that you know you should do… In any case, today’s a good day to put aside fear, step out in faith, and trust in the power of God.

As we go through this study, we look at people like David, Moses, Joshua, Caleb, Esther, Ananias, Paul, Gideon, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, Daniel, Rahab, Jacob, Hezekiah, and Nehemiah, who teach us how to slay giants, conquer our fear, and glorify God.

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Giants come in many forms. They may be spiritual, mental, physical, or financial. They might be a person, or they may be a problem, but there are two things they all have in common: one is that they threaten our sense of peace, and the other is that they are bread to our soul.


This week, we talked about fear, and how fear can keep us from doing the right thing. As I got to thinking about that, I realized that I tend to use the word “stress” as an excuse for my fear. I condone stress because it’s an emotion, and if I say it’s an emotion then it’s


We’ve all found the courage to face obstacles in our lives. Days when we put aside fear to step out in faith. After all, there are some things we just can’t avoid. And then, there are people like David and Caleb—even people you may know today—faithful servants who run to the battle,


Do you ever have one of those days when you feel like the weight of the world is too heavy to bear? I had a summer like that. Michael was diagnosed with cancer, and we were dealing with numerous issues regarding his health. I had been without my car all summer, and after incurring a substantial


The Bible tells us that Mordecai took Esther in and raised her as his own daughter when her parents died. After some time, Esther was taken to the king’s palace in Shushan, where she competed in a beauty contest of sorts. The king was in search of a new queen, and so she spent several months in a


While I was writing this chapter, I was reminded of a time when my children were young and we lived in a charming old home with a postage-stamp yard. During the ten years we lived in that house, I had the opportunity to share the gospel with neighbors and friends. As our family grew, we decided to


Elisabeth Elliott is well-known among Evangelical Christians, as one of the bravest souls of our generation. Several years after her husband risked his life, and was killed at the hands of Huaorani warriors, she returned to Ecuador with her young daughter to complete the mission her husband had


This week our study took us to Acts Chapter 9 where we read a story about Ananias and Saul (also known as Paul). I’ve had days when I step out in fear. Not to the extent that Ananias had, but even so there are days when I follow God’s will in spite of the way I might feel. Days when I lean on God’s wisdom


Looking at Judges Chapter 6 this week, I can’t help but smile as I look at the title God uses to address Gideon.

“The Lord is with you, mighty warrior,” He says.

This man was hiding out from the enemy, and God saw him as a mighty warrior.


This week our study took us to to the book of Judges, and the incredible story of Gideon. We’re all like Gideon at times, hiding out from the enemy, afraid to face our fears and insecurities, uncertain of the path ahead. Satan takes advantage of our  insecurities by trying to convince us that


This week we’re reading about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The Bible tells us that after they were taken to Babylon, they were promoted as as administrators over the province of Babylon, but with that promotion came a time of testing. Since idol worship was a vital part of Babylonian


As we close this chapter on “Refiner’s Fire,” I want to remind you that courage isn’t the absence of fear. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego must have been afraid to step into the furnace, but faith gave them the courage to act in spite of their fears. Finally, let’s not overlook the result of their


There’s a common saying which goes, “You might be the only Bible that people read.” With that in mind, ask yourself, what do they see? What message are you sending out when you are under pressure, stressed out, or in fear? Do they see a God they can lean on by the way that you are


As I got to thinking about Rahab this week, something impressed me that I didn’t take note of the first time around. It was the fact that her faith had a profound effect on her family. Rahab risked her life to protect the spies who had come to her city. And because of her faith, she and her family were saved from the destruction of


Some days it seems like our problems are long past the point of repair. Other days it feels like the journey ahead is out of our hands. And it is, which is why we all need to persistently pray and trust in Him Who is paving the way. The One Who knows what tomorrow will bring. The One Who wrote it all down before


As I got to thinking about courage this week, I was reminded of the simple fact that courage is a choice. We can either choose to let fear control us, or we can choose to trust in the power of God. The path we choose doesn’t just determine the


This in our study, we read how Hezekiah encouraged the Israelites before taking a stand against the Assyrians. The Bible tells us that he appointed military officers over the people and encouraged them with these words,  Do not be afraid or discouraged because


Hezekiah was committed to obeying the Lord and leading his people in the right direction, and so, one of the first things he did when he became king was to remove all of the idols and high places that had been set up in Judah. He ordered the priests and


To discourage someone is to take their courage away. That’s exactly what the enemy is trying to do when we are mocked, insulted, and attacked. And, while the discouragement often comes from those outside our faith, some days that voice can be heard from within: I can’t do it, I’m afraid, I’m not good enough


Do you ever feel like you’re under attack for your faith, your convictions or your work for the Lord? I have. Michael and I started homeschooling in the early 90s when it wasn’t so popular to teach kids at home. We also had a home church at the time which was a lot for most people to swallow, but we did what we felt was the right thing to do in the eyes of the Lord.