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Concluding Thoughts on Chapter 5

This week our study took us to to the book of Judges, and the incredible story of Gideon.

We’re all like Gideon at times, hiding out from the enemy, afraid to face our fears and insecurities, uncertain of the path ahead.

Satan takes advantage of our insecurities by trying to convince us that we’re not strong enough, wise enough, or brave enough to take a leap of faith. And, with every lie he tells, he undermines our confidence and stunts our growth.

And so, we say things like, “But, how can I save Israel? My clan is the weakest, and I am the least in my family.”

Let me tell you, dear friend, the Lord sees us so differently than we see ourselves. He sees the potential we have to slay giants and live victorious lives. He sees the power of the Holy Ghost ready and willing to work in us and through us. He sees a mighty warrior able to take down the enemy and conquer her fear.

You see, God’s not looking for a skilled servant, but a faithful one. Someone who is willing to trust in His strength, and let the power of the Holy Spirit work through them. He desires to use us, with all our imperfections and weaknesses, to accomplish great things in His name.

And so, my friend, it’s time to shut down the enemy, step out of the winepress, and let your faith shine!


Let’s talk about how our study is going in the comment section below. I’d love to hear your thoughts, Click here to go to the comments.

Questions and Answers from Chapter 5

Gideon said, “My clan is the weakest, and I am the least in my family.” What did Moses say about himself in Exodus 4:10?

I am not eloquent. I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

Do you ever find yourself talking like Gideon or Moses? What do you say about yourself that might be limiting you?

This answer will be different for everyone.

Judges 6:1 says that God “gave them into the hands of the Midianites.” Why did God do that?

This time of tribulation was God’s way of waking them up and leading them back to repentance.

What was the first act of courage that God asked of Gideon?

To tear down his father’s altar to Baal and cut down the Asherah pole beside it. Then he was to build a proper altar to God on which he would sacrifice one of his father’s bulls as a burnt offering to God, using the wood from the Asherah pole.

Where were the Israelites hiding from the Midianites?

They prepared shelters for themselves in mountain clefts, caves and strongholds

In Judges Chapter 7, we see God pare down Gideon’s army again and again. Why?

So that Israel wouldn’t be able to boast in the power of man saying, “Our own strength has saved us.”

What might the clay vessels in Judges Chapter 7 symbolize? What might the light symbolize?

The clay vessels symbolize those who believe and the light inside is the message of Christ.

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Slaying Giants: Finding Your Courage and Conquering Fear available now at Amazon.com

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FREE Printables – Scripture Cards

During the 10 weeks of the Bible study, I’ll be creating a set of 4 x 4 inch scripture cards. Each week I’ll give you 2 for a total of 24 cards in total. These high resolution images will correspond with the theme of each week. Perhaps you can print them out on Fridays and meditate on the scriptures over the weekend.

Click here to view and print this week’s note cards.