by Darlene Schacht | Nov 1, 2014 | 31 Days of Prayer for Marriage
We’ve done it! We’ve completed the 31-Day Challenge. For those of you who are still with me on this, I want to tell you that I’m proud you’ve made it through. I know that some of you already pray for your marriages every day, and that’s...
by Darlene Schacht | Oct 31, 2014 | 31 Days of Prayer for Marriage, Uncategorized
My daughter came home from school yesterday with an interesting story. Apparently her teacher had a gun. I’m not sure why she felt the need to share it with the class exactly, but nevertheless, she did. A few years ago, her teenaged son was a key witness in what...
by Darlene Schacht | Oct 30, 2014 | 31 Days of Prayer for Marriage, Uncategorized
I wanted to talk about virtue with you today. And so I’ve decided to share an excerpt from chapter 14 of my book, Messy Beautiful Love. It’s a little story, but it’s one of those lessons that always comes back to me when I want something but...
by Darlene Schacht | Oct 29, 2014 | 31 Days of Prayer for Marriage, Uncategorized
Looking for the husband’s version of this prayer? Click here. I’m about to tell you a little secret about myself. And after I do, I hope we’ll still be good friends. Here it is. I’m not so good at putting laundry away. Clothes have feelings too and sometimes...
by Darlene Schacht | Oct 28, 2014 | 31 Days of Prayer for Marriage, Uncategorized
Looking for the husband’s version of this prayer? click here I’ve recently discovered that my husband reads my blog every day. I knew he was peeking in from time to time, but reading it every day? Well, that’s pretty cool. It blesses me beyond...
by Darlene Schacht | Oct 27, 2014 | 31 Days of Prayer for Marriage, Uncategorized
Click here for the husband’s version of the prayer The fresh scent of warm fudge washed over Main street while the clip-clop of a horse drawn carriage lent a steady rhythm to the hustle and bustle under the afternoon sun. It was just like any other Saturday...