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My Closing Thoughts on Jonah Chapter 1

There’s something in Jonah Chapter 1 that I didn’t notice at first—not until it was discussed in our study group on Facebook. While I pointed out in the book that God will use tribulation to draw His people back to their faith, I didn’t make a connection to the spiritual transformation of the sailors on board the ship. They started the voyage praying to their own gods, but by the end, they were offering sacrifices and making vows to the Lord.

The sailors on Jonah’s boat were caught in a violent storm and were undoubtedly terrified. Yet in the midst of their chaos, they witnessed God’s awe-inspiring power when Jonah was thrown overboard, and the sea became calm. This experience transformed their beliefs. It’s a profound example that God can use our struggles for a greater purpose—to draw others to Him.

As I got to thinking about that, I was reminded of Daniel Chapter 6, and how King Darius was moved by Daniel’s faithfulness and God’s miraculous intervention in the lion’s den. So much so that he issued a decree that everyone in the kingdom should “fear and reverence the God of Daniel.” Just like the sailors, the king’s encounter with God’s power led him to a transformative faith experience.

It’s not just in these stories where we see this theme. Whether it’s Joseph telling his brothers that God used their betrayal for a greater good, or Rahab’s newfound faith saving her household, or even Paul’s imprisonment encouraging others to boldly share the gospel—each story demonstrates how trials have a purpose beyond our immediate understanding.

Isn’t it funny how we think our trials are all about us? How God must be using this to teach me something, or to refine my character. While that’s often true, we might be overlooking the broader picture. Our struggles are not just shaping us; they can also be used to lead others closer to God. With that in mind, it’s important to remember that the choices we make and the attitudes we take during these trials can greatly affect others around us.

Notice that Jonah used this moment to proclaim his faith boldly,

He answered, “I am a Hebrew and I worship the LORD, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.”

This shift in Jonah serves as a testament to the profound ways in which our response to our trials can reveal and refine our relationship with God. At the same time, it testifies to our faith, pointing others to Christ.

That’s it for this week, ladies. Have a great weekend!

You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife

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