Table of Contents
Week 1 – Part 1 (Printable Chapter & Reading Assignments)
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Week 1 – Part 2 (My Concluding Thoughts for the Week)
Week 2 – Part 1 (Printable Chapter & Reading Assignments)
Week 2 – Part 2 (My Concluding Thoughts for the Week)
Week 3 – Part 1 (Printable Chapter & Reading Assignments)
Week 3 – Part 2 (My Concluding Thoughts for the Week)
Week 4 – Part 1 (Printable Chapter & Reading Assignments)
Week 4 – Part 2 (My Concluding Thoughts for the Study)
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Are you ready for another awesome Bible study? Are you ready to dig into the Word to discover wonderful and exciting new things? Me too!
If you have a group of friends that might be interested in this study, maybe you can call them up and get together once or twice/week. The study is free as each lesson is provided to you week-by-week! It’s also a great study to do with your husband.
Option 1:
If you would prefer to pick up a copy of the study guide instead of printing the lessons out, Faith & Provision: 4 Week Bible Study Journal is available now at By purchasing a journal, you are helping to support both this ministry and MarriagePrayers.Today to spread the gospel and encourage women to grow in their faith.
Option 2:
Scroll down the page to find a FREE PDF version of this week’s lesson. Look for the image with the gold seal on it. Come back each Monday as I’ll be providing them week-by week.
* With either option, make sure you come back on Fridays for my thoughts on each lesson.
This series is designed to guide you through a 4-week Bible study on the topic of faith and the incomparable provision of God. Each week we’ll examine three faithful men or women who put God first, and allowed Him to move in their lives. As we dig into scripture we’ll focus on four aspects of faith:
- Week 1: Faith is Courageous
- Week 2: Faith Leads to Victory
- Week 3: Faith Glorifies God
- Week 4: Faith Can Move Mountains
Faith is often all of these things working together. It takes courage to step out, it calls us out of our comfort zone, and sometimes to sacrifice. Faith can move mountains, and when it’s exercised well it glorifies God and leads us to victory!
Every week I’ll give you 3 reading assignments, but don’t stop there. You may need to study the chapters around them to gain a better understanding of the story or grab your favorite commentary as a helpful teaching tool.
I had to start on Tuesday this week, but for the remainder of the study I’ll be giving you the assignments on Mondays and my thoughts on Fridays.
Scroll down the page to find the reading assignments for this week, or simply go straight to the Bible study journal below.
On Fridays I’ll post my thoughts on Faith & Provision as they pertain to each story, so make sure that you come back on Fridays for that. If you would like to share your thoughts on the study, you can do so in the comment section below.
Subscribe so you don’t miss a post.
Introduction to Faith & Provison

We all want faith. We truly want to believe in that which we say we believe. We want to be able to point to a mountain and command it to move, then stand back and watch while it does. We want to be able to lay hands on the sick, then watch them get up and walk. We’d even settle for a little miracle like seeing our neighbour get a new job or paying the bills we can’t pay. Yet, for many of us, faith leaves us baffled at times—frustrated, confused and upset.
While our faith in God might be strong, many have lost their faith in what He can do. And so, my hope for this study is to restore that faith and remind us that He is the same powerful God that He’s always been.
First and foremost, the power of God is not limited to the measure of our faith. In fact, there’s not enough faith in every believer combined to match the unlimited power of God.
I remember back a few weeks ago when one of my sons asked me why we don’t see miracles today like we used to. The answer is simple. We do. We see them all the time, but because of our unbelief, we fail to recognize them for what they truly are. The case in point here is that my son himself is a miracle.
While I was pregnant with him 17 years ago, the doctor warned us over and over again, “If he even makes it to term,” he said. “his health problems will be significant.”
His kidneys were abnormally large. I saw it. My husband saw it. The ultra sound technician saw it. And upon close inspection, the doctor himself saw it too. The next week we were called in for a second ultrasound, during which time we had made the decision that his name would be Nathaniel, meaning “Gift from God.” We knew that every day this child lived was yet another gift from our Lord. And so, we went to the second ultrasound with hope in our hearts that whether this child lived or whether he died it was all a part of God’s plan.
There we were, in the ultrasound room, me on the bed, and my husband on the chair beside me when the doctor walked in with more results in his hand.
“I’m not sure what happened,” he said, “I don’t know what we saw the first time, but this baby is perfectly healthy today.”
I knew that God had healed our baby that week, but I also knew that miracles like this are a little too hard for most people to swallow. We’d rather believe in human error than we would in the power of God. We’d rather believe in luck than we would in His provision and foresight, and yet we’re surrounded by His mighty works every day.
The idea that this earth hangs in mid-air is a miracle in itself, the fact that we’re breathing without having to think about it is yet another. Stop reading right now. Take a look around the room for just a moment and let the idea of His provision and power sink in.
Consider the things that you have. How many of them did you pray for? Did you pray for a husband, a family, a home? Did you pray for your health? Did you pray that you’d have enough food in the fridge or a job to pay for that food? Did you pray that you’d have a good friend? Did you pray for your family, your church or your pets? If you’re a faithful woman or man, chances are you’ve prayed for a lot of the things that you’re taking for granted today.
I’m sitting in the living room right now listening to my pug snore. We have an adorable bird munching on seed in the corner and a bull mastiff stretched out on the couch. My husband’s upstairs fast asleep. The children (now grown) are healthy and safe. My daughter is five months pregnant, with a husband and home of their own. In the afternoons, I love to sit in the sunroom where it’s warm and cozy. Every once in a while, I’ll see a couple of deer run through the yard. The other day there were twelve. I see chipmunks and squirrels. I hear the sound of the wind chimes when the wind softly blows. The smell of spring is in the air, and with that I know that the flowers, the grass, and the leaves will return. Why? Because they do every year without fail.
In the same way, I know that I know that I know God will provide, because He has proven Himself every day without fail.
Don’t get me wrong. If you’re trusting in God, don’t expect a smooth ride. When Jesus takes the wheel, He takes us on a journey through rough terrain, and barren land. He leads us to and through the heart of a storm before He safely drives us out. Why? Because one will never be complete without the trying of our faith. And so, we experience sickness and death, poverty and sorrow and pain. As gold refined in a fire, so is the trying of our faith.
Charles Spurgeon once said, “Whenever God means to make a man great, He always breaks him in pieces first.”
We see this throughout scripture as men and women are brought down to their knees before they are lifted back up. Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers. David is relentlessly chased down by King Saul, and then later betrayed by his son. Moses is led through the desert of testing for 40 years. Paul is beaten, tortured, imprisoned, and blind, all for the sake of the gospel.
At the center of each one of these lives, there’s one thing that stands out more than anything else. One thing sets them apart from the others. One thing shines bright, and let me tell you, it isn’t the fact that they’re moving mountains or driving new cars. It’s the simple fact that they lived in obedience to their faith. When God spoke, they moved. Whether it caused them poverty, sorrow, or pain, they were ready to follow His voice.
“There would be no sense in saying you trusted a person if you would not take his advice. Thus, if you have really handed yourself over to Him, it must follow that you are trying to obey Him. But trying in a new way, a less worried way. Not doing these things in order to be saved, but because He has begun to save you already. Not hoping to get to Heaven as a reward for your actions, but inevitably wanting to act in a certain way because a first faint gleam of Heaven is already inside you.” ― C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
Reading Assignments – Week 1
Reading assignments:
MONDAY – Read Acts 16:16-40 “Paul and Silas in Prison” (sorry we’re one day late this week)
WEDNESDAY – Read Genesis 22:1-19 “Abraham is Tested”
FRIDAY – Read Joshua 2:1-21 and Joshua 6:21-22 “Rahab Hides the Spies”
On each day of these days ask yourself the following questions:
- What have I learned from this scripture?
- How was faith exercised?
- How can I apply this to my life?
On the alternate days, dig deeper by reading the surrounding chapters. You might also like to use the resource links provided below to study further. Once you dig deeper, ask yourself the following question:
What have I learned about God’s provision?
These are my favourite online Bible study tools!
Bible Gateway – Every version you can imagine is online
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible
Looking for an easier commentary? Here’s the Concise Version
Other commentaries you might preferInterlinear Bible – I love this one!
Blue Letter Bible – Dig into the Hebrew and Greek
Bible Word Search
Week 1 – Faith is Courageous Intro.

As I was studying this week, the same verse kept coming to me over and over again, “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.” – James 1:2-3
And so, I want us to start here–with this verse–and branch out from there.
Here’s an interesting thought: God doesn’t tempt us with sin, but the trying of our faith reveals the sin from within us. Trials prove the depth of our faith, by our love for the Father.
Sometimes a test calls us to obedience, will we choose God’s will if it causes personal discomfort and pain? Sometimes it calls us to sacrifice the things we hold dear in this life. Are we willing to let go if it’s not in line with God’s will? Sometimes faith calls us to exercise courage. Will we make a stand against sin when no one else will? Will we follow our faith or give in to peer pressure? Sometimes faith calls us to exercise patience and contentment, as we trust in the providence of our Lord. Can we count it all joy when we’re feeling the sting? Can we be joyful through poverty, sickness, and pain?
Here’s the thing: joy comes to those who trust in the provision of God. Even on the darkest of days, we have the assurance that He’s got our best interest at heart. It’s for this reason that we could be in the midst of turmoil and still experience peace in our lives. That in itself is a gift.
He rewards the faithful with an incorruptible crown. We’re focused on instant gratification, but God in His wisdom offers eternal rewards for our faith.
When we read about the provision of God in scripture we see Him working in miraculous ways. We see believers courageously suffer and die for the God they believe in.
We don’t always see the results of our faith, but neither did they. In fact, Abraham and his wife Sarah were given the promise that the Messiah would come from their off spring, and yet they died hundreds of years before this promise came to pass.
Sometimes we’ll never understand why God is directing our path the way that He is. I imagine that people like David, Elijah, Daniel, and Paul experienced trials they didn’t understand at times either. What makes a believer stand out from the crowd is that they trust in the wisdom of God.
This week in our study we find courageous faith in action. We see how faith can bring peace to a difficult situation. We see how our faith may be tested and tried.
Through it all we discover that God rewards those who serve Him. Not always in the way we expect, but always in a way that is good for our soul.
As you’re reading, take time to focus on faith one day and God’s provision the next. What do you learn about each? Use the resources provided at the beginning of this guide to dig deep.
Faith & Provision: 4-Week Bible Study Journal available now
Available now at
- Weekly Reading Assignments
- Encouraging Quotes
- Weekly Prayers
- My Thoughts on Faith & Provision
Want a peek inside the journal? Click here to view it on
Faith & Provision: Printable Version – Week One
Note: This download is only for week one of the study. Come back next Monday for part 2. There are four parts in total. Click here to view and download this week’s lesson.
That’s all for today. I’ll see you on Friday for part two of week one.
Considering a gift to Time-Warp Wife Ministries? Click here to donate.
Look for opportunities to courageously exercise faith, that you might otherwise miss. Remind yourself that you’re not fighting this battle alone. God works both in and through us, in ways we could never imagine.
Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” – Exodus 14:13&14, NIV
About the Author

Darlene Schacht and her husband Michael live in Manitoba Canada where the summers are beautiful and the winters are cold. Together they’ve come to learn that relationships aren’t always easy, but that marriage, the way God intended it to be, is a treasure worth fighting for.
She began her publishing journey about twelve years ago when she pioneered one of the first online magazines for Christian women, known at the time as “Christian Women Online Magazine.” After three years, Darlene left CWO to blog as a solo author at Time-Warp Wife Ministries.
It was also during this transition that she worked alongside actress Candace Cameron Bure to write the NYT Best-Selling book, Reshaping it All: Motivation for Spiritual and Physical Fitness. Reshaping it All was the winner of both the 2011 USA Best Book Awards and the 2012 Christian Reading Retailers Choice Awards.
Author of more than 15 books, Darlene continues to write and to minister to her readers through her blog at
Connect with Darlene:
Facebook: @timewarpwife
Instagram: @timewarpwife
Pinterest: @timewarpwife
Twitter: @timewarpwife
You are loved by an almighty God,
Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife