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Jacob Bible Study – Genesis 26

Click here to watch this video on Youtube

Keep Digging Your Wells

In our video this week, Karissa shared something that a friend once told her. “When it comes to doing what is good and right, what I know I need to do,” she said, “I don’t count on myself being motivated. I count on being disciplined.”

Bam! This really hit home for me. I’m always on the lookout for a new self-help book, hoping that maybe the next one will be the motivation I need. I’ve even asked myself what was motivating other people, assuming that motivation was the key to get started. I’d venture to guess this is a common struggle that most of us face: waiting for the right motivation to do what we know we should do.

Hoping for a surge of inspiration, we delay taking action. But, here’s the thing—we don’t have to wait until we feel like doing something. We can start today. By choosing to act, we begin to strengthen the muscle of self-control, enabling us to do hard things and follow through on what we know we should do.

In Genesis 26, we see Isaac faced with significant opposition. Every time he dug a well, the Philistines would come and fill it with dirt, forcing him to move and dig again. Despite the constant challenges, Isaac didn’t give up. He didn’t wait for a spark of motivation. Instead, he kept moving forward, demonstrating persistence and discipline.

Isaac’s wells can be seen as a symbol of our spiritual lives. Just as Isaac faced opposition in digging his wells, we’ll face struggles and setbacks when we strive to do good.

Waiting for motivation is giving our hearts the lead—leaning on fleeting emotions to guide us. By practicing self-discipline, we change the narrative. We take the initiative and lead our hearts, rather than being led by momentary desires.

Whether it’s dieting, smoking, alcohol, or other addictions, motivation is a rollercoaster we’re wise to get off of. The minute someone throws dirt in our well, whether it’s diminishing motivation or a word of discouragement, we’re right back where we started, waiting for a spark of motivation to drive us yet again.

As the Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 9:27, “No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.” Let us strive to live with discipline, guiding our hearts with steadfast purpose and action.

This Week’s Challenge

This week, choose one area of your life where you often wait for motivation to get started—whether it’s exercising, reading your Bible, or completing a task at work or home. Commit to taking disciplined action each day, regardless of how you feel.

This Week’s Bible Verse

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Week at a Glance

TUESDAY: Overview

Watch this week’s video at Time-Warp Wife or on Youtube (subscribe while you’re there)
Print off this week’s Bible verse at Time-Warp Wife.

Read Genesis Chapters 12, 20-21 and 26

Check in on the community at: facebook.com/groups/biblestudies. If you are new to the group, now is a good time to introduce yourself. While you are there, maybe you could drop in a friendly message wishing others a blessed week, or share a prayer for the week ahead.

WEDNESDAY – Genesis 26:1-11:

Go through the section in your study guide for Genesis 26:1-11, and answer the questions at the end of that section.
Share your reflections in the Facebook group.

THURSDAY – Genesis 26:12-34:

Go through the section in your study guide for Genesis 26:12-34 , answer the questions at the end of that section.
Share your reflections in the Facebook group.

Respond to at least one other person’s post in the group to encourage others.

FRIDAY – Genesis 25:30-34:

Visit Time-Warp Wife to read Darlene’s closing thoughts on this chapter.

Share your reflections in the Facebook group.


Ask yourself the following questions. Either journal your answers or meditate on them:

1. What are some “wells” in my life that I keep digging again and again, facing repeated challenges?

2. What are the factors or obstacles that,  like “dirt,” keep filling these wells and hindering my progress?

3. How can I apply discipline, like Isaac, to persist and overcome these obstacles, moving forward with faith and determination?

(Feel free to share these thoughts with the group on facebook if you so wish)


MONDAY – Catch up

Use this day to catch up to the rest of the group.

When you purchase a copy of the study guide, you’re actively supporting and strengthening our ministry as we spread the empowering message of the gospel to women across the globe!

We understand that not everyone can purchase the study guide, which is why we provide a printable version exclusively for those facing financial constraints. By subscribing below, you’ll unlock access to these downloadable materials. As part of our community, you’ll have the opportunity to explore the content at your own pace. Plus, as an added treat, you’ll receive periodic devotions from Time-Warp Wife, delivered directly to your inbox. Together, we can grow in faith and discover the abundant blessings of our shared journey. Join us in spreading the empowering message of the gospel to women all around the world.

Hi! I’m so glad you’re here. Life can be tough, and sometimes we all need a bit of guidance and encouragement. That’s the heart behind Time-Warp Wife – a special place where women can find practical advice and spiritual nourishment whenever they need it.

Whether you’re feeling lost, struggling in your relationships, or just looking for some inspiration, I’m here for you. Through my Bible studies and devotions, I’m dedicated to helping women like you grow closer to God and cultivate fulfilling, God-centered relationships.

Take a look around, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need someone to pray for you. Together, let’s strengthen our faith and discover the joy that can only be found in Christ.

You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife


  1. I just wanted to thank you for making your studies available to print. I always purchase my copy and some of the ladies in my group do also, but it is so nice to be able to print them for those that can’t afford another book. It makes it so easy and such a blessing.

    • Thank you for making this available! God bless

  2. Completed week one, eye opening.

  3. Trying to start week two need link to download free version