Special Note: This article is part of an intentional home series by Davonne Parks. To view the rest of the articles in this series, go here.

Dear Messy Housekeeper,

I know what your house looks like right now. Yesterday’s dishes aren’t rinsed, there are crumbs and toys on the living room floor, and laundry is everywhere except the drawers. Scrubbing the slightly slimy bathtub isn’t even on your radar because first you’d have to toss the mostly empty shampoo bottles and moldy rubber duckies.

No, I’m not spying on you. I just know your type because I am your type. In fact, if there was a contest for being the worst housekeeper ever, I just might win the prize.

But you know what? Not being a naturally good housekeeper doesn’t mean we can’t learn. Sure, it takes time. And it’s tough. We have to dig deep, in both our homes and in our hearts, to sift through the grime and clean things out.

We have to be willing to change habits, admit our faults, and give up a little bit of R&R so we can get our homes in order (but who can really feel restful or relaxed in a mess anyways?).

This fall, let’s give ourselves the gift of a clean house. Here are five ways we can get started:

1) Just Do Something

I’ve shared this tip with you before, but sometimes we need to hear something several times before it sticks!

Just doing something means that even if we don’t have the time to do everything, we can still make forward progress. For example, if the kitchen is a disaster and we only have 10 minutes, we can simply unload and reload the dishwasher. Cleaning just a little bit each day will go a surprisingly long way towards keeping our homes in decent condition.

2) Throw Things Out

It’s hard to organize clutter, so toss, toss, toss. There’s no good reason to hold onto things that are dragging us down, not to mention that living in a mess is draining and exhausting. Let’s feel our energy recharge as we release stuff we no longer need!

3) Set Limits

Our kids don’t need to eat anywhere but the kitchen table. They also don’t need to drag out every single toy while they’re playing. And if they want to make a fort, they can have just as much fun with two blankets as they’d have with ten.

Likewise, you don’t need to pull out every spice or every pan when you’re making dinner. So do your entire family a favor and set gentle limits that will make clean-up easier for everyone.

4) Enlist Help

If we’re not making the messes by ourselves, then we shouldn’t be cleaning alone, either.

Maybe you often feel taken for granted as you repeatedly clean up after your family members. If so, then definitely take a minute to read about how to handle the heart issues at chore time.

Maybe your kids aren’t the main culprit, but your spouse is. If that’s the case, then you are going to love next week’s articles about what to do when you’re married to a packrat as well as the tips for when you can’t stop fighting about the messy house.

5) Offer Grace

Forming good habits takes time. Offer grace to yourself, your spouse, and your children as you work together to maintain a clean and organized home. A good attitude can go a long way, so don’t wait until your house is perfect before you strive to create an environment of peace and gentleness.

The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.” Proverbs 14:1, ESV

Messy Hopeful Housekeeper, you’re not lazy.

You are not a failure. And you’re not incompetent. You just need a little encouragement. Let me help you.

Sign up for my FREE 10 day email course about making your home a haven or treat yourself to a copy of my eBook, Chaos to Clutter-Free. It’s an easy read filled with inspiring quotes, embarrassing housekeeping confessions, and practical tips that will teach you how to transform your home, room by room, into a relaxing haven. No more shushing the kids and hiding from view when the doorbell rings!

Learning to become clutter-free is about more than getting rid of stuff. It’s about creating room for life to happen, for memories to be made, and for loved ones to gather.

Hopeful Housekeeper, we can do this!

The Mom Who Needs to Toss the Moldy Duckies


Personal Thought/Application Question: Have you felt discouraged about not being a naturally good housekeeper? If so, what step will you take right now to begin improving your mindset and skills?

Davonne Parks believes that your role at home is valuable and she wants to help you thrive in your environment. Click here to receive immediate access to the FREE printable library she created just for you.