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As long as we’re in this world, we’ll have struggles. Satan will seek to attack us in any way that he can. One sure-fire way he’ll do that is by attacking our thoughts. He’ll tempt us to doubt, he’ll give us reason to be impatient, and he’ll use any lie to deceive us. That’s why it’s so crucial that we protect our thoughts.

In our study this week, we explored the importance of the helmet of salvation as described by the Apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:17. Helmets are designed to protect our heads—the very place where our thoughts take root. It’s not just about what enters our mind but also what stays there that counts. Nearly every thought that enters our mind comes from what we hear or see. When those areas are carefully guarded, we’re less likely to fall into sin. So, we must keep our eyes and our ears on the Lord, follow His voice, obey His commands, and patiently wait for Him.

Think of it this way: our mind is much like a garden. What we plant there will either flourish or wither. Just like a gardener remains vigilant against weeds, we should guard against negativity and sin in our mental landscape. The Apostle Paul urges us in Philippians 4:8 to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and admirable.

The Bible isn’t merely a book; it’s a life guide and a form of protection for our minds. This week, we learned the importance of filling ourselves with the Word of God. It provides the standards against which we can measure every thought, offering comfort, guidance, and sometimes the raw truth we need to bring us back to righteousness.

Your social circle also plays a significant role in thought life. We often become like the people we spend the most time with. If those people uplift us and encourage our walk with God, our thoughts are more likely to follow suit. The Bible cautions us in 1 Corinthians 15:33 not to be misled, for ‘bad company corrupts good character.’

Finally, let’s not underestimate the power of prayer. We can’t guard our thoughts on our own; we need the strength and wisdom that come from God. Prayer is a direct line to Him, a chance to lay down our concerns, seek guidance, and revel in His presence.

As we close this chapter on the helmet of salvation, remember that this piece of armor isn’t a one-time choice but an ongoing commitment. It’s a daily decision to guard what enters our minds and to align our thoughts with the Word of God. As you move into the new week, I encourage you to ask yourself: “What am I allowing into my thought garden today?” Let’s cultivate it with love, truth, and the eternal hope we have in our Savior.

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You are loved by an almighty God,

Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife