4 Ways To Live Out Your Role As Helper
One of the reasons many wives struggle in their marriages is because they refuse to embrace the role God has given them as helper to their husband. The word “helper” ruffles their feather and their pride demands a higher position, a more noble title. But...
The Forgotten Discipline Of Meditation
We’re continuing our Women Living Well series this week on the topic of your walk with the King. “His delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:2 I love how we are focusing this week on our walk with the King,...
4 Ways to Show Respect (and 2 Ways Not To)
Have you noticed that in many of our television shows the husband is portrayed as inept if not an outright fool? From The Flintstones, to Married with Children, to The Simpsons, to Home Improvement, to Phineas and Ferb and Jonny Test one could draw the conclusion that...