Scratched, Worn, and Imperfect, But Still Lovely
Special Note: This article is part of an intentional home series by Davonne Parks. To view the rest of the articles in this series, go here. It feels like yesterday. It feels like a lifetime ago. A distant memory… but not so distant. I was 19 years old. He was 20. My...
What to Do When You’re Married to a Pack Rat
Special Note: This article is part of an intentional home series by Davonne Parks. To view the rest of the articles in this series, go here. A reader once emailed in and asked me the following question: “I want nothing more than to declutter and simplify but my...
5 Ways to Create Peace About Chores in Your Marriage
Special Note: This article is part of an intentional home series by Davonne Parks. To view the rest of the articles in this series, go here. If you’ve been married for any length of time, you’ve probably felt at least a little annoyed at some point because your...
5 Life-Giving Truths When You’re Struggling With Feelings of Defeat
Special Note: This article is part of an intentional home series by Davonne Parks. To view the rest of the articles in this series, go here. I desperately want to be a life giver. To refresh, uplift, and renew those around me. But sometimes, I fall painfully short of...