What a Loving Spouse Just Can’t Remember
When it comes to offenses between spouses, a good memory is very bad. There’s nothing quite like regularly referencing the list of your spouse’s past offenses and failures to close a heart and prevent true intimacy and fellowship. There is a deep-seated unkindness...
10 Things You Won’t Find In A Godly Marriage
Could you stand up in a room and say, without embarrassment, “We’re not perfect but even so, I encourage you to follow our example in marriage?” A godly couple can say this because of what’s missing from their marriage (and because of what’s there, but that’s...
One Thing You Should Know for Great Communication in Marriage
She looked across the room at me with a combination of horror and anxiety. Frankly, it seemed like a bit of an overreaction. After all, we had been married for three months and all I said was, “Let’s move to St. Petersburg, Russia.” That sounds fun, doesn’t it? Why...