Below is everything you need to get started on this 8-week Bible study on the book of Exodus.
- If you are thinking of picking up the Exodus Bible Study Journal from Amazon (affil link).
- If you prefer to go with the free printable version. See download below.
- Both journals contain all of the questions for the study. The hard copy, however, also has daily Bible verses and whimsical design elements that make the journal a wonderful keepsake. (Scroll down for a peek inside.)
What you’ll find in the study guide are questions for each chapter. The questions are designed to get you thinking and to keep you focused. Some may be easy and other questions may prompt you to do a little digging, and cross-referencing.
Table of Contents
FREE Study Guide and an Introduction to Exodus (This Page – See Below)
Recap of Chapters 1-5 (answers to journal questions)
Recap of Chapters 6-10 (answers to journal questions)
Recap of Chapters 11-15 (answers to journal questions)
Recap of Chapters 16-20 (answers to journal questions)
Recap of Chapters 21-25 (answers to journal questions)
Recap of Chapters 26-30 (answers to journal questions)
Recap of Chapters 31-35 (answers to journal questions)
Recap of Chapters 36-40 (answers to journal questions)
This study takes us on an exploration through the book of Exodus, chapter by chapter with thought-provoking questions that motivate us to dig deep into scripture and hold fast to our faith.
The Israelites left Egypt behind with the promise of a new life and a new land before them. They were slaves in Egypt, as we too were once slaves to sin, but God sent Moses to free them and lead them to a land flowing with milk and honey.
Pharaoh did everything in his power to rebel against God. He had a tight hold on the Hebrew people and wasn’t about to free them or let go of his pride. Pharaoh, however, was no match for God, who had promised to free His people. Nothing could stand in God’s way.
As we make our way through this study we’ll look at the 10 plagues of Egypt, examine the first Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, we’ll then take a detailed look at the law of Moses and the building of the tabernacle.
The symbolism runs deep as we compare Old Testament scriptures with the New Covenant between Jesus Christ and His church. We see that nothing is left undone. God’s perfect plan for salvation was woven throughout the scriptures like the fine tapestry of a skilled worker.
The tabernacle is a shadow of the church and the new covenant within. Beautifully adorned in fine linen, this tent was a consecrated place for God to dwell among His people.
I was inspired by Moses, a mere man yet totally devoted to the work of the Lord. A man who faithfully carried out each and every one of God’s commands. A leader whose compassion led him to plead for lives of his people. A wise man who knew how important it was for God to lead them to the promised land.
I hope you enjoy this study as much as I did. At times you might ask yourself why all of this detail is important to know. You might wonder how any of this applies to your life and if you should gloss over the chapters to read something new. Don’t. Soak it in. Let God speak to you as He spoke to me. Search the scriptures. Look for every nugget of truth you can find, and you’ll never be left disappointed.
You are loved by an almighty God,
Darlene Schacht
The Time-Warp Wife
“Wife, mom, award-winning and New York Times best-selling author, who is nothing without the grace of God.”
How do I participate in this study?
It’s simple. If you haven’t done so already, download a copy of the FREE Bible study guide–you’ll find the download further down this page.
You can find links to all of the blog posts for the Exodus Bible study above.
During the week, you’ll study at home, following the outline of the study guide. You can study alone or with a group of friends–well suited for either.
These are my favorite online Bible study tools!
Bible Gateway – Every version you can imagine is online
Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Whole Bible
Looking for an easier commentary? Here’s the Concise Version
Other commentaries you might prefer
Interlinear Bible – I love this one!
Blue Letter Bible – Dig into the Hebrew and Greek
Bible Word Search
click the image to view and download, or click here
You do not need anything else for this study other than a Bible and a pen!
Additional Option…
In addition to the study guide, I’ve created a journal (available now at Amazon) for the study. The journal has all of the same questions that the printable version has PLUS daily Bible verses and beautiful graphics.
FAQ: What’s the difference between the journal and the FREE study guide?
The journal is not only beautifully designed, it also has everything in one place so that you don’t have to download and print the questions. It’s designed to be a keepsake in which you can journal, and then tuck away for future reference.
It’s ideal for group study because members can take their booklets home, answer the questions, color in the pages if they like, and bring them back each week to share their thoughts.
The journal is available now on Amazon. I’ve also provided some sample pages below so you can take a peek inside. (This post contains affiliate links)
(Please note: The journal is an optional addition. You do not require it to take part in this study, and will definitely enjoy the free resources I provide)
A Journey Through Exodus – Bible-Study Journal
Now Available
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