5 Ways to Tell Him “I’m Crazy For You” Without Ever Saying a Word
We wives can be such chatterboxes. And so often we try to use our words to show our husbands love and respect. Or to tell them just how crazy we still are about them. Sadly, we also at times use our words to wound; a weapon to throw when we feel hurt or ignored or...
5 Ways to Bless Your Husband at Mothers Day
Mothers Day is for moms, right? Yes….. But it is also a perfect time to bless your husband and better your marriage as you do. Here are 5 easy ways: 1. Take a walk down memory lane. Go out for coffee or another favorite beverage. (While I’d go for a...
Hang On A Second. I Gotta Die.
“[I assure you] by the pride which I have in you in [your fellowship and union with] Christ Jesus our Lord, that I die daily [I face death every day and die to self].” 1 Corinthians 15:31 (AMP) My 15-year-old son has a fondness for iPod games; ones where a creature...